Sunday, November 3, 2013

Lectio Divina - Pronunciation

How is Lectio Divina pronounced?  Is it Lek-SEE-Oh or LECK-Tee-Oh Dih-VEE-Nah [1]?

I like LECK-Tee-Oh and found support for it at, #16, posted by Mostyn32 on November 4, 2007, 12:16 a.m.  Quoted:

Lectio is Latin for "I read", and I've never heard it pronounced any other way than LECK-TEE-OH, with the emphasis on the first syllable. If it was to be pronounced LEK-SEE-OH, it would be spelled LEXIO. (I learned Latin long before I began the daily practice of Lectio Divina).

[1] One, without any reference to knowledge or experience, said "Divina" is pronounced as Dah-veen-ah.  I suppose if it were pronounced that way, taking a cue from Mostyn32, it would be spelled DAVINA.  I also suppose this person would also pronounce "divine" (hear the proper pronunciation at as DAH-VINE which to me is the opposite of heavenly.  Maybe Satan's serpent is called DaVine.

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