Wednesday, November 20, 2013

An Afterthought on "Holy Victim"

I have written quite a few entries stating that Christ is not a victim, even though Christ is Holy. [1]  I have not changed my mind; I just want to add an afterthought.

Some people may think that "Holy Victim" sounds good, and that by putting the word "holy" in front of the word "victim" and capitalizing both words would somehow transform the meaning of victim into something otherworldly and therefore the two words together, capitalized, would describe Christ appropriately.  They cannot be more wrong.

In the English language, many idioms begin with the word "holy" which is followed by an obscene or vulgar four-letter word.  From what I know, an obscene act or a vulgar by-product preceded by the word "holy" is not transformed into something otherworldly.  Based on this reality, a victim is also not transformed into someone otherworldly when the word "holy" is placed before it, with or without capitalization.[2]

[2] Having made my argument, I now contradict myself by saying that it does not apply to the Holy Spirit or the Holy Trinity.  Holy Spirit is a name, a proper noun.  It is part of the Holy Trinity.  Likewise, Holy Trinity is also a name, a proper noun, to address the Father, Son and Holy Spirit together.  "Holy Victim," on the other hand, is not a name for Jesus Christ--it is a gratuitous, superfluous and affected attempt to describe Jesus.  It is very wrong, like calling Christmas Holy Victim's Birthday.  Christ is our hope for eternal salvation, not an eternal victim to be pitied through the ages.

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