Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Heart Without Love

Let us start with this question: Where does love reside?  The three most likely places are the heart, the brain and the soul.  The next question is: What matter is it composed of?  Nothing tangible and nothing visible.

What cannot be touched or seen cannot be copied, in 2-D or 3-D, but the heart and the brain can be seen, touched and soon enough, be replicated in 3-D, as if the feat has not already been accomplished in Russia [1] and partially in the United States. [2]  While 3-D replicas of live, implantable organs may still be science fiction, speculating on their possible effects here is not too soon.

Indeed, having a spare or two of one's vital organs, like the heart, is a pretty good way to postpone death temporarily, repeatedly or perhaps even permanently, but what is the meaning of life if it is incapable of receiving love from God and loving God in return, given that love is non-dimensional and cannot be printed, and that loves resides in the heart and a 3-D copy of a heart has no love?

What if love resides in the soul, and since the soul is eternal and is part of the body (in this case, a non-dying body of artificial parts), so would love be eternally attached to the non-dying body.  Let me propose a theory which asserts that the soul is inextricably tied to the intellect and the intellect resides in brain.  Like the soul, the intellect is also eternal which is why you would know  without a doubt whether you are in Hell or in Heaven.  In this hypothetical, even if one were to live on and on with successive replacement hearts pumping nonstop, the brain would deteriorate over time as cells usually do.  So when the time comes to replace the original brain with a 3-D replica, the intellect and the soul, both of which like are non-dimensional and cannot be printed, would not be part of the replicated brain.  A copy of one's brain could possibly have no intellect or a weak semblance of intellect but it would have no soul and no love, for the love that is attached to the soul which is attached to the original intellect that had been endowed by God with Free Will would have left the body the moment the natural brain is truly dead. [3]  In essence, what would be left would be a shell of what used to be human with all its components from a 3-D printer that looks [4] and behaves nothing like a human.  That I do not think is what God intended for us to become--uncategorized zombies in eternity, also to be known as Satan rejects. [5]

[3] A discussion of beings in a vegetative state is beyond the scope of this entry.
[4] Imagine how hideous this thing would look like if the skin on it has to be replaced by artificial skin stretched over a skull with artificial eyes, nose, ears and lips operated by artificial muscles underneath that never works quite right, that need a tune-up every few weeks.
[5] Uncategorized zombies are Satan rejects because Satan is a collector of souls.  Entities without souls do not interest Satan.  Hell does not have a place for them--they are not welcomed.

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