Monday, March 25, 2013

The Words Of Satan Or Of God?

In my last entry, I had the audacity to insinuate that Pope Francis could be a false prophet.  I pray that I had not been destined for Hell by writing my last entry and pray again that I would not go to Hell for this one, hinting some more that Pope Francis could very well be Satan's minion.  With God on my side (hopefully), let me take the plunge.

I had heard it on television but did not give it much thought but today I am reading it in print:
"The Lord never tires of is we who tire of asking for forgiveness." [1]
If Pope Francis is correct, I would be forgiven [2] even though I disagree with him and think that he might be Satan's agent.  If I am correct thinking that those very words are Satan's words and not God's, then Pope Francis would have something to think about and should pray for forgiveness.

Why do those words sound to me like Satan's all of a sudden?  I do not know.  It just happened.

If those words are true, then there would not be a Hell because the Lord will forgive you (if even if you reject Him totally and eternally) and let you into heaven because you find the environment in Hell rather harsh and uncomfortable.

If those words are true, then we can do whatever evil deed or all the evil deeds we wish to do, freely and without restraint since "[t]he Lord never tires of forgiving."

If those words are true, then we do not even have to believe in God, let alone ask '[t]he Lord" for forgiveness.

If it is true that we are the ones who tire of asking for forgiveness, then it is perhaps true that we do not care if God forgives us or not (that is why we do not bother to ask or we tire of asking again and again) since God, according to Pope Francis, forgives tirelessly and (unmasking the hidden meaning) automatically.

This is what I know:  Satan is extremely smart and beguiling.  Satan will fool anyone again and again unless you pray to God for help to always see the truth.  By putting these seemingly true and innocuous words into Pope Francis' mouth, Satan is asking us to take God for granted to the point of ignoring God, and do whatever we wish without compunction and commit the most egregious sins again and again since God, the forever loving God, Who tirelessly forgives whether you believe in God or not, whether you repent or not, whether you ask for forgiveness or not.

After analyzing carefully the above-quoted words (some of the first ever uttered by a rather unremarkable commoner Jorge Mario Bergolio turned Pope Francis) giving us carte blanche  to commit whatever sin there is to commit and giving us the assurance that there is no retribution for any of our evil acts since "[t]he Lord never tires of forgiving," I regret to conclude that they do not comport with the truth as I see it.

[1] "At first Angelus, pope says God never tires of forgiving," Catholic San Francisco, Vol. 15, No. 9, 22 March 2013, page 14.

[2] I hereby ask for forgiveness by God if I am wrong in accusing Pope Francis as Satan's minion.

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