Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Perfection Of Eden

Everyone can imagine an Eden and the one in my imagination is from art masterpieces.  Adam could look like Raphael's with an athletic body and an androgynous appearance and Eve could be like Botticelli's Venus with a voluptuous figure and feminine features so tantalizing that would awaken the most repressed primal urges.  Together the couple were at the prime of life, never aged, never hungered, never fell ill or gained weight.  They were timeless like the paintings that evoke their images.

As we all know, one day, Free-Choice appeared.  That is the name I gave the serpent.  We all carry around our own serpent.  Name it whatever you want.  It speaks to the heart and its words will always be:  "You have a choice."  Eden would never be perfect without Free Choice and Free Choice can only exist in Eden.  So is there a place where you cannot find Free Choice anywhere?  I imagine it to be way south of Eden where there are no more choices to be had since the final choice had been made: the choice to reject God in favor of Satan.

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