Friday, March 1, 2013

The Pope Emeritus

Yesterday, February 28, 2013, at 8p.m. Pope Benedict XVI's papal ring was smashed when the still living Pope Benedict was spending a prayerful (I assume) evening at Castel Gandolfo, the summer residence of popes. [1]

So I have lived through a yet another moment of modern history even though it has not sufficiently registered in my mind to comprehend the extent its import. I think that the best of the Emeritus Pope has yet to be seen and experienced, not so much as a public figure but as a theologian with exceptional intellect. He has already written a number of books most of which I have not read but I imagine that his best works are yet to be composed. I hope that they would read less like legal arguments but more like prayerful appeals and be written less like a scholarly treatise but more like a friendly letter to the spiritually lost and wandering masses.

I pray for this Pope Emeritus the first (the first in our lifetime) and may his every day be blessed.

[1]  9:06 PST  - EWTN reported in the late morning that Pope Emeritus watched some television as well and I assume that he was watching the world watching him on his final day as the official Vicar of Christ.  In my imagination, he turned to his brother, Georg, and said:  "Siehst du mich im Fernsehen?"  Georg:  "Ja, ja.  Ich bin stolz auf dich."

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