Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013 -- Reflections From A Different Perspective

On earth Easter is the resurrection of Christ and the death of Sin.  In heaven Easter is a reunion of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  United, the Holy Trinity, unlike Christ on earth, will never be subject to the temptation of  Satan.  Even Satan knows Perfection cannot be tempted and will not waste any effort trying.

While the Holy Trinity was separated in matter, God remained alone in heaven, allowing the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, as distinguished from the hordes of spirits waiting to incarnate [1],  to unite with the flesh of Jesus to take the place of the first Adam and experience being human with all of humanity's failings including its biggest, the inability to resist completely all of Satan's continuous enticements.  Because Jesus was the Son of God, He was able to reject Satan's temptations [2] in the desert.  Sinless to the end of life in the flesh, Jesus was therefore able to "commend" or "commit" at His death His Spirit into the hands of God without being subject to the Final Judgment.

To Hell Christ descended nonetheless, not because He sinned but to forever remove the stain of Adam's original sin by his Holy blood and to lead all those who believe in Him out of eternal darkness onto the path lit by His eternal light.

Happy Easter!

[1] The Meaning Of Life -- Part 1

[2] Jesus the Son in the flesh and spirit was separate from God the Father and supposedly being the weaker parts of the Holy Trinity, Satan waned to take advantage of the vulnerability and tried to triumph over God.   However, Christ was resolute in His commitment to His Father and the Holy Trinity of Which He is a part and rejected Satan fully by His Free Will.

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