Sunday, March 25, 2012

Thoughts On God - Sunday, March 25, 2012

Do most people live out their lives without being concerned with the consequences of their actions?

I believe they do. Some, however, continually struggle against their fates over which they seemingly have no control, but that is a myth. Each person is in full control because of free will. To exercise his/her will in a way that conflicts with the prevailing mores of society is to choose to suffer. Nobody wants to suffer, at least nobody I know, including myself.

That maybe why there is a Supreme Being, so that people can worship an ideal. Whatever that ideal maybe, it is something better than what they are able to do or can be themselves.

I believe that the Supreme Being is the same in any religion because humans are the same everywhere. They think and fear alike. Their differences arise from the ego which is fed by greed and enhanced by wealth, power and the desire for self-importance and self-gratification. Their enemies are not those with whom they share time on this planet. Rather, they are co-conspirators against those who are yet unborn for they are polluting their pristine air and contaminating their clean water, and they are doing so with speed, the speed of their technological advancements, a speed too fast for Mother Nature to re-cycle, regenerate or replenish. [1]

The fast obsolescence of technology is not driven by need but by greed, which underlies the mores of today’s society. Each time a new generation of smart phones, personal computers and other technological achievements come to market, the old ones become trash, non-biodegradable trash, at least not biodegradable in the lifetime of those beneficiaries inhabiting the planet. The saying, “kicking the can down the road,” is not limited to deficit spending but includes irrevocably degenerative consumption of earth's natural resources.

Consumption drives the economy, but it is greed that stimulates the appetite for consumption. On an economy that is based on a reckless desire for comfort, there is no place for a Supreme Being, for God, for His creation that is earth, for Mother Nature that sustains life or for heaven on earth.

I am as responsible as anyone living on this planet, destroying it for my own comfort and turning into a hell that I pray to avoid, knowing full well that any action or inaction on my part is having an insidious impact.

My hypocrisy is patent. Knowing and having experienced holiness, I am nonetheless a slave to Satan, having accepted all the richness the world can offer, the exact offer that Christ had rejected by refusing to bow before Satan, the Tempter of souls, and worship it. [2]

Unable to overcome temptations, I believe that salvation is possible through faith in Christ and prayer. I also believe that no one is forced to go on board Satan’s luxury craft (one that is becoming more and more advanced and luxurious with relative but disturbing quickness) or that one has to sail through life on it and cannot disembark from it at will.

[1] Technological advancements are a product of the Human Intellect. It goes awry when it is motivated by avarice. I will have more to say on it in a future blog entry.

[2] Matthew 4:8-9

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