Friday, March 16, 2012

Letter To A Friend (Redacted )

Dear Daen,

After returning from lunch I called up ____, ____ and ____ telling them how beautiful your drawings were and how happy I was, and I am still thrilled.

You are truly a gem, like no other I've seen, and I will say that again and again and hope you won't get tired of hearing it. This is actually the first time I have experienced your genius and it is miraculous!

I described to ____ your condition (a name I cannot remember) and she wishes you well. I told her that I could not see anything externally and that you are doing extraordinarily well under the circumstances.

Your deep humility and your resolve to continue to share your gift with others and to support your staff in light of your condition have become a beacon of light and an inspiration in my life. I have happily received from you serious and challenging lessons to be learned. They are not going to be easy but I don't want to fail myself and I don't want to fail you.

Today, you have permitted me to catch a glimpse of these other-worldly places you have been. In the time to come, please remember me, look for me and bring me along. I need a lot more help than just the project at hand.

Thank you for your kindness and love, Al [1], [2]

[1] Related "tweet": Al in SF ‏ @Al_in_SF
Lunch@PiccinoCafe w/ Daen - a gem with the humility of a grain of sand, a divinely inspired genius, a suffering angel & God's special child.

[2] In the shadow of Daen I stand in reverence and in humility.

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