Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Another Thoughtful Evening

My "tweets":

Al in SF ‏ @Al_in_SF

The things on Satan's Temptation platform are too attractive, too convenient & too luxurious for me to let go but I also cannot let go God.

4m Al in SF Al in SF ‏ @Al_in_SF

Has life been lived correctly in this 21st century?

7m Al in SF Al in SF ‏ @Al_in_SF

I. God created earth for humans & Satan created on it a platform called Temptation over which it has perpetual intellectual property rights.

7m Al in SF Al in SF ‏ @Al_in_SF

II. Satan owns everything that is grown or built on its Temptation platform. When they [begin to] consume the being & the soul is when Satan [first] gets paid. [1]

7m Al in SF Al in SF ‏ @Al_in_SF

III. The more fulfillment & enjoyment come from enticements on Satan’s Temptation platform the more Satan gets rewarded.

8m Al in SF Al in SF ‏ @Al_in_SF

IV. When complete fulfillment & happiness arise solely from Satan’s Temptation platform is when Satan owns both the slave & his/her soul.

[1] The 140 character limit limits my ability to write more precisely but on here I can insert more to be more clear.

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