Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thoughts On God – Sunday, March 11, 2012

One of the Ten Commandments, thou shall not kill, has been dogging me the last few days so I am going to write about it. I suppose the reason that it was given to the Chosen Ones by God through Moses rather than osmosis was to preserve the gift of free will, even the will to kill. Back then the world was not as diverse or polarized as it is now but killing must have already been fashionable prompting God to prohibit it specifically. I imagine that as soon as the commandment was announced it was deemed to be a suggestion that can be disregarded to the extent that even God’s only Son, Jesus, was put to death on a cross.

That being the case, it is reasonable to conclude that people, chosen or not, will never stop shooting at or bombing each other and in their spare time finding new ways to eliminate one another. I suppose that killings, intentional and unintentional, will evolve along with and result insidiously from advances in technology and changes in political dynamics even though the reasons for ending other people’s lives remain primitive, such as envy, greed, fear and hate among others.

However, I would like to believe just the opposite, that killings will end before the world ends for there is the grace of God that is always present and will ultimately prevail over the sins of Satan. God’s grace is simple and can be summed up in a word, love, or two, humility and love.

We all understand love because as infants we require it to survive and we all understand humility because as kids without the means to acquire food, water and shelter, we need to be humble to stay alive. If only we can see others as grown-up babies needing love and if only we can view ourselves as grown-up youngsters depending on care, then perhaps everyone can co-exist peacefully as God eternal children.

Note: This entry did not arise from an inspiration because I had none. I hoped for one but it never came. This was an analysis therefore unremarkable and unmoving. I was bored by it. A tiny inspiration did arrive later in the evening and I "tweeted" it:
Al in SF ‏ @Al_in_SF
Believers can instantly find fulfillment in God; non-believers suffer from an interminable need to find reasons for their insatiable void.
March 11, 2012, 11:19 pm

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