Monday, July 20, 2020

Fire Destroys Another Cathedral In France - UPDATED 27 July 2020

As if it was not enough for a fire to ravage the Notre-Dame in Paris on 15 April 2019 [1], on 18 July 2020, "[a] fire in the 15th century cathedral in the western French city of Nantes blew out stained glass windows and destroyed the grand organ on Saturday." [2]

Even as Catholic churches and statues are being desecrated in many countries around the world, those who believe in God know that neither damaged buildings, statues, crosses, paintings nor stained glass windows can diminish their faith in God, their love for God and God's love for them which is the only thing that matters in this life and the hereafter.

Everything, even plastic [3], is made from the earth's natural resources.  In the end every object, every living creature returns to its place of origin:

And all things go to one place: of earth they were made, and into earth they return together. [4]

"... for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." [5]

[4], line 20.
[5], line 19.

UPDATE 27 July 2020:

A Rwandan refugee who was a volunteer at the 15th-century Nantes cathedral in France confessed to setting the fire.  His lawyer did not reveal his motive.  See

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