Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Abortion Court Cases In The United States

Religion Clause  blog summarized four court cases in a post entitled Abortion Rights Proponents Win In 4 Cases. [1]

Rather than passing anti-abortion laws that will be challenged in the United States courts, perhaps it is time to change the narrative.  Both pro-life and pro-abortion camps focus on the fetus.  Without unwanted pregnancies, the abortion issue will disappear.  Since contraception is not permitted by the Catholic Church, why not emphasize Abstention instead?

The Catholic Church does not want contraception or abstention because it wants people to procreate so that future generations can be guaranteed in order to keep the Church well-funded to support the clergy, its activities such as maintenance of church buildings and payment of salaries on the one hand; on the other, living celibate and chaste lives is required of members of the Catholic clergy who hardly talk about the virtue of chastity and the benefit of abstention to avoid unwanted pregnancies, nor do the pro-life activists.

Perhaps a lot of funding goes toward the pro-life groups but not enough to support the raising of children of unwanted pregnancies.  It always seems to be about the people whose pockets the money goes into rather than into the solutions that could reduce the number of abortions.

There are many prayers dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary but many who say these prayers seem to be blind and deaf to the word "Virgin" and to reject the concept of virginity from which the practice of abstention is born.


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