Friday, May 15, 2020

Is COVID-19 A Message Of Change From God?

Religion News Service  published an article entitled  Poll: US believers see message of change from God in virus.  The following paragraph is quoted from the article [1]:

The poll found that 31% of Americans who believe in God feel strongly that the virus is a sign of God telling humanity to change, with the same number feeling that somewhat. Evangelical Protestants are more likely than others to believe that strongly, at 43%, compared with 28% of Catholics and mainline Protestants.

Stated another way, the poll showed that 72% of American Catholics apparently believed that the status quo before the pandemic was satisfactory and that it was acceptable and did not feel strongly that humanity needed changing.  Hopefully, there was a sampling error resulting in an understatement of the percentage of American Catholics (28%) who "feel strongly that the virus is a sign of God telling humanity to change." [2]

People ought to change to return this world to its beginning when the air was unpolluted and the oceans were free of non-biodegradable trash, and where all living things coexisted in peace to benefit each other.

Yet, there are proud and egoistical maniacs in power who want to outdo their predecessors in order to show how powerful they are in every conceivable way, who are satisfied with the established trajectory going forward, likely leading to Mutual Assured Destruction ("MAD"), a term borrowed from the past.

God through Christ wants people to live in peace and later through San Francesco d'Assisi who preached to the birds that in turn "stretch[ed] their necks, extend[ed] their wings, open[ed] their beaks and gaze[d] at him attentively [3], wants people to live in harmony with nature.

Perhaps the virus is  God's way of telling people that they are not more powerful than God, even though some people think that they are and can overcome all calamities until they are proven wrong by the arrival of the end times.

The article cited above stated this in its first paragraph [4]:

The coronavirus has prompted almost two-thirds of American believers of all faiths to feel that God is telling humanity to change how it lives, a new poll finds.

Unfortunately, there are a lot more people who have no faith in this secular world that form a vast majority which means that no meaningful change for the better will soon take place and humanity will likely continue on its path to destruction environmentally and militarily.

[2] Ibid.

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