Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Passage From The 1962 Catholic Daily Missal

This passage quoted below under COLLECT ([t]he collect (/ˈkɒlɛkt/ KOL-ekt) is a short general prayer of a particular structure used in Christian liturgy [1]) on the Fourth Sunday After Easter has relevance to this pandemic period [2]:

O GOD, Who makest the faithful to
be of one mind and will: grant to Thy
people the grace to love what Thou
dost command and to desire what
Thou dost promise, that amid the
changes of the world, our hearts may
there be fixed where true joys are to
be found.  Through our Lord. [Emphasis  added.]

[1], quoted without hyperlinks.
[2] The Roman Catholic Daily Missal 1962 (p. 640). Angelus Press.

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