Saturday, April 11, 2020

Thoughts Inspired By Archbishop Joseph Harris, CSSp's Easter Vigil Homily

Archbishop Joseph Harris at one point in his homily during the Easter Vigil Mass of the Lord's Resurrection  [1], [2] mentioned COVID-19 being a "leveler".

Classifying COVID-19 as "leveler" by Archbishop Joseph Harris describes perfectly the realities in today's world.  There are large gaps between who those live a high standard of living in developed countries and those who live in abject poverty in underdeveloped ones in terms of having fundamental necessities such as sufficient food and clean water, basic hygiene and adequate healthcare.   Now, during this present COVID-19 period, those who live in developed countries are experiencing shortages in medical necessities and looking at empty shelves in grocery stores and at times, even having to stand in line to enter, similar in a way to those who are poor who have to wait in long lines for handouts because they cannot afford to buy food for their loved ones.

[1]  The live broadcast just ended and the link to the Easter Vigil Mass of the Lord's Resurrection  is not yet online.  This link should direct to the videos posted by Missionaries of the Poor: (will update the link when it becomes available).  The live broadcast took place in Kingston, Jamaica:

[Place de la] Paix
@MOP is this live from Kingston, Jamaica?

Missionaries of the Pooryes, it's live from Kingston, Jamaica
[2] Link update:

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