Tuesday, April 14, 2020

God Called Home Many Of His Shepherds In Italy

Avvenire.it  reported on 13 April 2020 that 110 priests died in Italy from the coronavirus.  Many were elderly but one was 46 years old.  The article was published in Italian.  Google Translate  was relied on for the translation of the title: Coronavirus: victims rise to 110, a 46-year-old priest dies.  The title in Italian: Coronavirus: le vittime salgono a 110, muore un prete di 46 anni  [1].

It is sad that they had left the world that was shared by all during their lifetimes for many years, yet one must accept the fact that this was God's will.  When God calls, one ought to be ready for it.  Even the holiest of saints were called home by God, and many had suffered before the call came, including the Son of God Himself.

Of those who died from COVID-19, were they victims of the pandemic?  But for the coronavirus they might not have died so soon; thus, in a way, they were most definitely victims of the virus.

Is not every person on this earth a victim?  But for Adam and Eve's Original Sin, everyone would still be in the Garden of Eden without ever seeing death.  These were God's words regarding the Forbidden Fruit told by Eve herself: "You shall not eat it or even touch it, or else you will die." [2]

Still, she ate it.  She then gave it to Adam and he ate it. [3]  God's promise of death continues to be true to this day.

Everyone dies.  Timing, cause and manner of one's death are of God's choosing, except for those who refuse to abide by God's will and commit suicide.

[1] https://www.avvenire.it/attualita/pagine/coronavirus-i-preti-morti-emilia-lombardia
[2] http://usccb.org/bible/genesis/3/, at 3.
[3] Ibid., at 6.

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