Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Holy See On World Hunger

In response to "the latest UN report on the state of food security and nutrition in the world,"  "Msgr. Fernando Chica Arellano, Holy See's Permanent Observer to the UN food and agriculture organizations" remarked that "'Humanity has not done its duty enough for its poorest brothers.'" [1]

Fernando Arellano ought to revise his remark and state that "Bergoglio has not done his duty enough for his poorest brothers."  The Vatican, not just Bergoglio's, is all talk and no action.

"The Vatican diplomat recalled Pope Francis telling FAO conference members during a meeting in the Vatican last month that hunger is a problem that must involve everyone because the suffering of one person is the suffering of all." [3]

Really?  When had Bergoglio and all his obsequious sycophants ever suffered hunger like the millions as reported in the article [4]:

Asia has the highest number of hungry people with 513.9 million, followed by Africa with 256.1 million and Latin American with 42.5 million.

What needed to be done is for Bergoglio to teach by example, not just by words alone.

Bergoglio ought to visit at least 10 places in each of Asia, Africa and Latin America and buy a small farm for the local community on each visit and get down on his knees to fertilize the soil with manure, including bull manure (the literal kind, not figurative kind that comes out of Bergoglio's mouth) and plant non-GMO crops that would thrive based on the region's weather patterns.  Bergoglio will then smell like the real shepherd who serves his sheep rather than one who sits on a throne and have others serve him.

Having set this example, then all the cardinals, including Cardinals Blase Cupich, Donald Wuerl, Timothy Dolan, Reinhard Marx, Walter Kasper, all the archbishops, bishops and the rest of the Catholic clergy, including those who have been defrocked, such as Theordore McCarrick, will have to follow Bergoglio's example and spread across the continents and do the same.

If this were reality and not fantasy, then the Vatican will likely keep its hypocritical mouth shut, and reports such as this will not appear anymore [5]:

The Holy Father also made an appeal for good use of water, food production and its fair distribution, noting that while there are countries where food is surplus, there are entire regions, especially in Africa, where it is lacking.  This inequality is truly cruel, he added.

How can water be fairly distributed, "Holy Father"?  Why not teach the world how that is done?  Perhaps the "Holy Father" ought to go to Antarctica and transport some glaciers over to places that do not have potable water.  This will not damage the environment since the glaciers would melt anyway due to climate change and global warming, topics the Vatican likes to talk about but does nothing about.

This blogger still thinks it is best for the "Holy Father" to work manually with bull manure to fertilize the soil to grow crops for those suffering from hunger than to spew it out orally which does not feed even one hungry person and quench his/her thirst with potable water.

[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.

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