Friday, July 12, 2019

Mass Exorcism This Weekend In Columbia

The Independent  published an article entitled  Bishop to spray holy water over city from helicopter in mass exorcism of 'demons' this weekend.  Quoted below without the hyperlink is from the article [1]:

Monsignor Rubén Darío Jaramillo Montoya will perform the mass exorcism for the Colombian seaport of Buenaventura during the city’s annual patron saints’ festivities.

“We want to go around the whole of Buenaventura, from the air and pour holy water onto it to see if we exorcise all those demons that are destroying our port,” he told a Colombian radio station.

A Catholic bishop will spray holy water over an entire city from a military helicopter in an attempt to conquer the demons he believes are plaguing it. 

After this spraying, the helicopter should be deployed to do the same and shower the Vatican and all Catholic and non-Catholic religious institutions and places of worship with holy water to rid the demons there, then onward to every village, town and city throughout the world, beginning with places where seats of power are located, where weapons of mass destruction are being manufactured and where think tanks and leaders meet to form strategies and alliances on how to sow discord between and among nations, ethnic groups and tribes and on how to eliminate people.

Monsignor Rubén Darío Jaramillo Montoya should have been elected to succeed Benedict XVI instead of Bergoglio.  He would probably have appointed Rome's chief exorcist, Father Gabriel Amorth, [2] to oversee all the mass exorcisms around the world.


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