Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Extremist Jewish Groups Target Christians

Agenzia Fides  reported as follows (separated here into four paragraphs) [1]:

The Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land has denounced the recent acts of intimidation perpetrated against local Christian communities by extremist Jewish groups, considered close to the settler movement.

On the morning of Friday, July 19, 2019, in Jish, in Galilee, unknown assailants damaged cars and wrote slogans in offensive Hebrew against Christians.

The previous week, Friday 12 July, participants in a parish party held at the Church of St. James in Beit Hanina, a suburb of East Jerusalem, were hit by the launch of tomatoes and other objects thrown by provocateurs residing at the nearby Jewish settlement of Naveh Yaacov.

At least in the first case, the intimidating act is attributable to the groups that in recent years have hit mosques or Christian places (Tabgha, Beit Jamal, Latrun, the Dormition, etc.) in various ways, signing their own violent acts and their profanations with the "Price Tag" formula (the price to pay).

The Jewish people who have power have turned a blind eye to these reprehensible acts by a certain segment of the Jewish population.  By their silent acquiescence, they are therefore equally guilty of such crimes.

What would the State of Israel do if Jewish settlements are being pelted with tomatoes and other objects?  It is doubtful that it would do and say nothing, and turn the other cheek.

[1] http://www.fides.org/en/news/66394-ASIA_ISRAEL_Catholic_Bishops_denounce_new_acts_of_intimidation_towards_Christian_communities

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