Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Tweeting About Catholic faith and morals

Quoted below is Bishop Thomas Tobin's tweet that has led to a lot of reactions and news reports [1]:

 Jun 1 
A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children.

This blogger was not going to comment on this because he agrees with both sides, but because it seems to be the talk of the day, he is putting in his two-cents worth of drivel.

The best retort to the tweet above was that children are safer at a gay pride event than in a Catholic church, a not so subtle reminder of the pedophile clerics who abused children.

As this blogger sees it, if Catholics are advised to "not support or attend LGBTQ" pride events, then Catholics should also be advised not to attend Catholic church services since the Catholic church was at one point most certainly proud of their gay and promiscuous Theodore McCarrick (and others who are yet to be identified) who had been given all kinds of perks and responsibilities even after knowing that he (and they) had molested boys and/or slept with seminarians.  The Catholic church just has a different way of celebrating one's gay sexual orientation: instead of openly, it is done secretly.

Regarding pride events, this blogger's opinion is that they are not necessary any more since same-sex attracted people are gradually having rights equal to opposite-sex attracted people except in some countries.  Nowadays, such events are to draw crowds and for vendors and the local government to make money.  It has become a tourist attraction.

As far as pride events and activities being contrary to Catholic faith and morals are concerned, they are not the only events that take place that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals.  Building weapons of destruction is also an event that is contrary to Catholic faith and morals, as are bombings of places and people and manufacturing genetically modified organisms, as well as living extravagantly, being mindlessly entertained, worshipping sports and movie stars, taking drugs and abusing alcohol, not adhering to the vows of poverty and chastity by those who have taken them, and on and on.  The list is nearly endless.

So where and when should one begin to stop participating in events contrary to Catholic faith and morals?  Pride events are easily identifiable by their locations around the world at certain times of year.  What about the other events that take place year-round everywhere?  How often should such a reminder go out on Twitter?  Who is in a position to remind who?  Who can speak without any taint of hypocrisy and self-righteousness?

[1] https://twitter.com/ThomasJTobin1?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

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