Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cardinal Timothy Dolan Lost Final Appeal In New York

Quoted from Church Militant, without hyperlink [1]:

New York's highest court is rejecting Cdl. Timothy Dolan's bid to keep the body of Abp. Fulton Sheen in New York.

On Thursday, [June 7, 2019,] the state high court denied the archdiocese's motion to appeal: "Motion for leave to appeal denied with one hundred dollars costs and necessary reproduction disbursements."

With this final ruling, the archdiocese has exhaused [sic] all available appeals in the New York court system.

A summary of litigation history, quoted from The Catholic Post [2]:

In 2016, Mrs. Cunningham filed a legal complaint seeking to have her uncle’s remains moved to the cathedral in Peoria, a factor the Diocese of Peoria has maintained is critical for a hoped-for future beatification. Twice, the Manhattan Supreme Court ruled in her favor and twice the New York Archdiocese appealed, halting the transfer. After an evidentiary hearing last year clarifying what Archbishop Sheen’s wishes would have been, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arlene Bluth again agreed with Mrs. Cunningham’s request.

It is about time Timothy Dolan learns his lesson in humility, a lesson that was paid out in court costs and legal fees.  He ought to get a regular job and pay that money back to the Church, or maybe he can just diet and replenish the Church's coffers the amount he would have spent on pre-diet food, drinks and snacks.

The seemingly jovial Dolan was probably not laughing when he read that the Archdiocese of New York had lost the Fulton Sheen case.

[1] https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/ny-archdiocese-loses-final-appeal-in-sheen-case
[2] https://thecatholicpost.com/2019/06/09/17799/

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