Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Catholic Church Addresses Hunger And Creation

Physical hunger is different from spiritual hunger.  The former is addressed by Bergoglio in an article entitled Pope urges compassion, social and political will to tackle hunger and food insecurity  published by Vatican News  on 27 June 2019. [1]  The latter is not a topic the Vatican has brought up with frequency even though the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development is marketing something they called the "Season of Creation" as if the activities planned around this event will end global littering, global warming and halt the progression of species extinction. [2]

Has the Catholic Church become a secular social, environmental and political organization, paying only lip-service to what is truly important which is spiritual hunger that leads to the salvation of souls?

While it is important that people in certain parts of the world be provided with clean water, non-GMO foods, and not suffer starvation and malnutrition, yet almost concurrently there are farmers and ranchers living in another part of the world, especially in this tariff-war environment, are said to be given US$16 billion in farm aid this year. [3]  The US government is giving them money to stop producing certain food crops that China would not buy due to the tariffs.  Meanwhile, these farmlands can be utilized to grow food crops that feed the hungry.

Is it not simpler and cheaper to find ways to feed people than to spend trillions of dollars on military equipment and in strategizing on how to kill one another?

In this so-called "Season of Creation" the entire Catholic Church is silent on weapons of mass destruction.  What hypocrisy!  What a shame!

The Vatican and the Catholic Church is going through a dark time, and will likely become darker still until the Second Coming.  On the bright side, the light of Christ continues to shine brightly and continuously in the hearts and minds of those whom God loves.  

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