Saturday, June 29, 2019

"Benedict XVI: The Church’s unity is stronger than internal conflicts"

Quoted above is the title of an article published by the  Catholic News Agency. [1]  Selected portions of the article are quoted below [2]:
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said in an article published Friday that the unity of the Church has always prevailed over internal struggles and affirmed that there is currently only one pope.

“The Pope is one, it is Francis,” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said in an interview with an Italian magazine published by Corriere Della Sera June 28. 

“In the end the awareness that the Church is and must remain united has always prevailed. Its unity has always been stronger than internal struggles and wars,” the pope emeritus explained.

Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI's conclusion would be correct since it was an extrapolation based on the past and on generalities.  The world has changed to become more secular and less religious and so has the Church having its moral authority eroded by sex scandals, causing in part the number of churches to dwindle, probably due to the lack of funds and attendance, and large sums of money paid out in legal fees and out-of-court settlements resulting from sexual abuse cases.

Quoted below is from an article published by the Chicago Tribune  entitled  Chicago Catholics struggle to build future with fewer priests as parishes shrink, cash dwindles  on January 4, 2019 [3]:

As dioceses across America face backlash from sex abuse scandals — including recent revelations that the number of clergy accused of sex abuse in Illinois is much higher than previously disclosed — and adapt to an increasingly secular society, Chicago’s church leaders hope to reanimate and rebuild the city’s Catholic population.

Cardinal Blase Cupich said change is inevitable. If the archdiocese doesn't command it in an organized, disciplined way, parishes will eventually be forced to close as they run out of resources.

Even though change is part of life with an element of inevitability (such as aging), change does not have to be a net negative.  Change can be positive.  People can be totally honest, can be truly humble and as holy as possible, concepts that are probably foreign to many clerics.

What is deemed a positive or a negative change depends on one's perspective.  For some in the Catholic Church, promoting sex criminals up the ranks like Theodore McCarrick was a good thing, covering up for sexual predators within the Catholic Church, the possibility of ordaining women priests and outlawing the Tridentine (Latin) Mass [4] are all good things.  

After "[t]he head of the Knights of Malta, an international religious order that operates in about 120 countries, has formally forbidden the use of the pre-conciliar Latin language Mass in the order's liturgical celebrations worldwide" [5], Bergoglio in his official capacity as pope received "[t]he Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, was this morning received in audience in the Vatican by Pope Francis. The meeting was the annual occasion for updating His Holiness on the principal medical and social activities, and the diplomatic commitments, of the ancient Catholic institution, which today is present in 120 countries." [6]

Unity between those who want total transparency based on the truth and those who prefer to hide behind lies, between those who prefer the Latin Mass and those who prefer the Novus Ordo Mass and between those who prefer the Catholic Church to have only male clerics and those who want the Catholic Church to be like some of the Protestant churches with female priests, perhaps progressing to having lesbian bishops over time, remains an unattainable ideal.

Many who love the Catholic Church who may be struggling for holiness, for a intimate relationship with God may be having a difficult time with the Church going in different and opposite directions, and all Benedict XVI had done was hide behind his extensive knowledge and vast intellect without being a shepherd to the herd.  He is still a shepherd who in a way had told his sheep, too bad, just live with it without showing them where to find Christ's peace.

At least Benedict XVI acknowledged indirectly that the Church has problems with its internal struggles and stated with certainty that there was only one pope.

Too bad that this pope, Bergoglio, is so weakened by demonic forces that he is unable to do what Christ did, to wash the feet of His disciples [7].  In Bergoglio's case, it would be the feet of all the cardinals and bishops. not limited to those who are sycophants, and not limited to the selected prisoners staged to act out the drama, that Bergoglio would kneel down to wash.

Not only Bergoglio, Benedict XVI also did not wash the feet of cardinals and bishops.  By not doing more as emeritus pope, Benedict XVI in a way did what Pontius Pilate did.  Pilate acknowledged that Jesus was innocent yet he handed Him over to the people to be crucified.  Benedict XVI acknowledged that the Church is not to be blamed yet has done nothing but stand on the sidelines watching it tear itself apart from the inside.  The Church is now carrying its own cross to be crucified under scandals, conflicts, hypocrisy, internal power struggles, corruption and uncertainty.

One can suppose that popes are just ordinary hypocrites who happened to be voted in to take the seat of Peter, the Apostle, to represent Christ.  One has to wonder if any of the popes throughout history was able to actually love in the way Christ loves with His whole Heart, His Sacred Heart.

Speaking of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, yesterday, Friday, 28 June 2019, was the Feast Of The Sacred Of Jesus, according to the 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal.  The passage below is quoted from The Catholic Spiritual Life [8]:

The Sacred Heart took off as a liturgical feast after the visions of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque ["Marguerite Marie Alacoque"] [9] in the seventeenth century. But it rests on earlier medieval devotions. In the wondrous thirteenth century, St. Gertrude envisioned laying her head near the wounded heart of Jesus, as St. John had laid his head on the breast of Jesus the night before he died, and entering into the passion of his love.

The unity of the Catholic Church will ultimately come to rest in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, not through the workings or intellectual musings of popes and other clerics.

[2] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Catholic Church Addresses Hunger And Creation

Physical hunger is different from spiritual hunger.  The former is addressed by Bergoglio in an article entitled Pope urges compassion, social and political will to tackle hunger and food insecurity  published by Vatican News  on 27 June 2019. [1]  The latter is not a topic the Vatican has brought up with frequency even though the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development is marketing something they called the "Season of Creation" as if the activities planned around this event will end global littering, global warming and halt the progression of species extinction. [2]

Has the Catholic Church become a secular social, environmental and political organization, paying only lip-service to what is truly important which is spiritual hunger that leads to the salvation of souls?

While it is important that people in certain parts of the world be provided with clean water, non-GMO foods, and not suffer starvation and malnutrition, yet almost concurrently there are farmers and ranchers living in another part of the world, especially in this tariff-war environment, are said to be given US$16 billion in farm aid this year. [3]  The US government is giving them money to stop producing certain food crops that China would not buy due to the tariffs.  Meanwhile, these farmlands can be utilized to grow food crops that feed the hungry.

Is it not simpler and cheaper to find ways to feed people than to spend trillions of dollars on military equipment and in strategizing on how to kill one another?

In this so-called "Season of Creation" the entire Catholic Church is silent on weapons of mass destruction.  What hypocrisy!  What a shame!

The Vatican and the Catholic Church is going through a dark time, and will likely become darker still until the Second Coming.  On the bright side, the light of Christ continues to shine brightly and continuously in the hearts and minds of those whom God loves.  

Friday, June 21, 2019

USAToday Published An Opinion On Global Christian Persecution

David Curry, a USAToday  opinion contributor, is the author of an opinion entitled Global Christian persecution is worsening while American churches slumber.  Quoted below without hyperlinks are selected paragraphs [1]:

On May 18, extremists in Nigeria interrupted a church choir practice and abducted 17 Christians. They are being ransomed and might never see their families again. Some of the Christian women may be sold into slavery or raped and forced to marry the jihadist. It’s the latest attack in the escalating violent war on Christians within Nigeria, where 3,731 Christians were killed last year.

I constantly bear witness to this sort of violence and the corresponding malaise by the nature of the organization I lead, Open Doors USA. We track such incidents of Christian persecution around the world through our annual World Watch List, a comprehensive ranking of countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian. To us, this is more than just “another story"; it is another data point in a global crisis of persecution. One of every nine Christians experience high levels of persecution and suffer for their faith, and it’s picking up pace.

It’s not just in Nigeria.

In Sri Lanka, with families still mourning the more than 320 lives lost during bombings on Easter Sunday, government officials are awakening to the reality of Islamic State infiltration into Asia. The ideology of hatred and violence against Christians by the terrorist organization is no longer contained to Iraq and Syria.

China, waking up to a stunning realization that there could be more Christians in China than members of the Communist Party soon, has begun an Orwellian crackdown. They’re now using facial recognition, social scoring, imprisonment and monitoring to bring Chinese churches under the boot of the government.

Ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been governing India, the country has relegated its 30 million Christians to second-class citizens. Extremist Hindu groups are attacking Christians — with violence increasing 400% since 2014, according to Zenit — and some have called for expelling all Christians from the country.

... Inoculated by entertainment and self-absorption, [Christians in the United States] are completely detached from the experience of the global [Christian] church. The American church is feeding itself to death while the worldwide church is being murdered.

What actions can wealthy Christian churches in the United States take to stop such persecutions?  Even the United States government does not intervene in the internal affairs of a sovereign country when its position of power is not being challenged or threatened, with exceptions of course, Libya being one such example.  Detachment from self-absorption and fasting by Christians in the United States do not help those persecuted in far away places.  Not even the Blessed Virgin Mary could stop the Rwandan genocide with Her apparitions in Kibeho, Rwanda. [2]

Perhaps it is best to lead by example, for Christians around the world to have true faith, humility, charity and generosity without being pretentious, hypocritical and political and let unconditional love spread from person to person, from community to community and across borders from country to country.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

"Find God in Solitude, Nurture His Presence in Your Soul"

The title is quoted from a homily on You Tube by Fr. Matthias M. Sasko, F.I. in New Bedford, Massachusetts.  F.I. means Franciscan of the Immaculate. [1]  This short homily, about 3 ½ minutes, is worth listening to along with many of Fr. Matthias Sasko's short homilies [2].

A hermit is a person who chooses quietness and solitude in life.  To be alone with God, there is a necessary condition and that is utmost humility.  In solitude one ought to not only avoid distractions mentioned by Fr. Matthias Sasko, but also avoid making noises by sharing one's opinions, whether in correspondences, in the comment section on the internet or in a blog.

It seems a bit odd for a commentator who claims to live as a hermit finds it necessary to tell about it online, and odder even when the purpose of the homily is to keep one's prayer in secret, whatever its content.  Telling others that one attends Mass daily (in a second comment under reply), however holy and devoted one may see oneself as, seems to expose that secret, perhaps revealing unintentionally the hidden pride inherited from Eve.

Drawing a distinction between a recluse and a hermit amounts to hair-splitting.  Both a hermit and a recluse live in seclusion.  "A hermit (adjectival form: eremitic or hermitic) is a person who lives in seclusion from society, usually for religious reasons." [3]  "A recluse is a person who lives in voluntary seclusion from the public and society. The word is from the Latin recludere, which means "shut up" or "sequester".  Historically, the word referred to a hermit's total isolation from the world." [4]  A recluse is more extreme in the practice of "total isolation" according to the definition quoted, but even with a minimum amount of seclusion, a hermit ought to avoid the making gratuitous comments.

Perhaps ignoring the comment section is a better way to enjoy You Tube videos than being curious about what some people have to say and finding an unncessary and a prideful need to opine.

[4] Ibid.

God's Gifts And Returning God's Gifts

God gave each one body, mind and soul.  What one does with each is one's gift back to God.

When one truly loves God, does one not want to make these gifts of self the best and the most beautiful that one can make of them to give to God?

Michelangelo's Pieta (live) In A Music Video

This You Tube video is a live version of Michelangelo's Pieta, with DiMaio, an Italian countertenor, singing "Ave Maria di Caccini (Arr. Dardust)".  Here is the link:

The Pieta part begins at approximately 2:37: and ends here with a stunningly beautiful image and perfect lighting.

Friday, June 14, 2019

In Persona Christi, Or Impersonating Christ

"In persona Christi  is a Latin phrase meaning 'in the person of Christ.'" [1]

Based on subjective observations, there are many clerics who wear clerical clothing, wanting the public to believe that they are acting in persona Christi when in fact they are just plain acting.

For them, priesthood is merely a profession which can be entered into without true faith, without living like Christ and without taking their vows seriously, especially the vows of poverty and chastity.

If a cleric doubts his faith, has little or has no faith, and lives like a well-to-do businessman has no business being in persona Christi whether or not they wear black with a white collar and a crucifix hung around their neck for everyone to see.

Most of them never speak of their own faith, as if their faith or perhaps struggles with and doubts about their faith are foreign to them.  They go through the motions when they are celebrating Mass as if they are fulfilling an obligation without necessarily believing in what they are saying and doing.  They preach the Gospel but only in theory.  They lead often by words but seldom by deeds.  They talk about the business of the church and about money.  They flatter their pope because their livelihood depends on him.

Therefore, they tend to take their vow of obedience seriously because if they do not obey their pope, they could be defrocked and they would be unemployed and perhaps even unemployable.  What society finds a need for a grown man highly educated in theology who has no experience living a life outside of the comforts of the church where the basic necessities have been provided to him, including food, clothing and shelter?

Not all clerics are Christ impersonators.   Some are truly holy and do an excellent job.  They are not the majority and are far and few in between.

The Catholic Church in general has lost its moral authority as more and more revelations surface, not only sex scandals but also financial misdeeds, showing plainly its hypocrisies.  Many people who run the church are as corrupt as the many who run a bureaucracy.

Not one event that is taking place presently is strengthening the Catholic church.  Things the clerics are doing are too little and too late.  Furthermore, not enough is being done.  They are not serious.  It is just more acting.

The entire Catholic Church is impersonating Christ.  The wave that began with Theodore McCarrick is just the beginning.  The tsunami may soon hit.

Even when the tsunami hits, it will not destroy everything.  There will be pockets that will remain standing.  Out of destruction, the Catholic Church will still keep going.  It may not look the same as it is now but it will still be there.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cardinal Timothy Dolan Lost Final Appeal In New York

Quoted from Church Militant, without hyperlink [1]:

New York's highest court is rejecting Cdl. Timothy Dolan's bid to keep the body of Abp. Fulton Sheen in New York.

On Thursday, [June 7, 2019,] the state high court denied the archdiocese's motion to appeal: "Motion for leave to appeal denied with one hundred dollars costs and necessary reproduction disbursements."

With this final ruling, the archdiocese has exhaused [sic] all available appeals in the New York court system.

A summary of litigation history, quoted from The Catholic Post [2]:

In 2016, Mrs. Cunningham filed a legal complaint seeking to have her uncle’s remains moved to the cathedral in Peoria, a factor the Diocese of Peoria has maintained is critical for a hoped-for future beatification. Twice, the Manhattan Supreme Court ruled in her favor and twice the New York Archdiocese appealed, halting the transfer. After an evidentiary hearing last year clarifying what Archbishop Sheen’s wishes would have been, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arlene Bluth again agreed with Mrs. Cunningham’s request.

It is about time Timothy Dolan learns his lesson in humility, a lesson that was paid out in court costs and legal fees.  He ought to get a regular job and pay that money back to the Church, or maybe he can just diet and replenish the Church's coffers the amount he would have spent on pre-diet food, drinks and snacks.

The seemingly jovial Dolan was probably not laughing when he read that the Archdiocese of New York had lost the Fulton Sheen case.


Monday, June 10, 2019

Pentecost - The Descent Of The Holy Spirit Upon The Apostles

Yesterday, June 9, 2019, was the day of the Pentecost.  There is no modern day equivalent of what took place over two millennia ago when the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit; yet, in one's imagination it still could happen but not this blogger's.  Therefore, he has to select quotes from Francis I's homily given at St Peter's Square, Sunday, 9 June 2019 [1]:

1.  It is the Spirit who makes Jesus live within us; he raises us up from within. That is why when Jesus appears to his disciples, he repeats the words, “Peace be with you!” (Jn 20:19.21), and bestows the Spirit.  That is what peace really is, the peace bestowed on the Apostles.  That peace does not have to do with resolving outward problems – God does not spare his disciples from tribulation and persecution.  Rather, it has to do with receiving the Holy Spirit.  The peace bestowed on the apostles, the peace that does not bring freedom from  problems but in  problems, is offered to each of us. [Emphasis  original.]

2.  The Spirit is peace in the midst of restlessness, confidence in the midst of discouragement, joy in sadness, youth in aging, courage in the hour of trial.  Amid the stormy currents of life, he lowers the anchor of hope.

3.  Repaying evil for evil, passing from victims to aggressors, is no way to go through life.  Those who live by the Spirit, however, bring peace where there is discord, concord where there is conflict.  Those who are spiritual repay evil with good.  They respond to arrogance with meekness, to malice with goodness, to shouting with silence, to gossip with prayer, to defeatism with encouragement.

The last paragraph quoted above was composed eloquently except that Bergoglio has neither brought peace where there has been discord nor concord where there has been conflict.

Furthermore, there is no lie that can be camouflaged as goodness, or be hidden by silence, or be prayed away.  Contrast Bergoglio's unrealistic eloquence to another voice that belongs to Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ², saying that "'it is immensely sad' that the pope is 'blatantly lying to the whole world to cover up his wicked deeds.'" These words came from e-mail correspondences between ViganĂ² and "The Washington Post over two months, writing 8,000 words in response to nearly 40 questions." [2]


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Improper Use Of Funds By A Catholic Bishop And Excessive Consumption Of Alcohol

Quoted from a June 6, 2019, article entitled Detailed report shows financial, sexual misconduct by retired West Virginia bishop  published by [1]:

In a detailed report to the faithful of the Diocese of Charleston-Wheeling, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore has revealed that an investigation into the leadership of Bishop Michael Bransfield uncovered some clear evidence of sexual impropriety, along with a pattern of lavish spending for the bishop’s personal benefit.

Bishop Bransfield offered his retirement last September, upon reaching his 75th birthday. The Vatican quickly accepted his resignation, and appointed Archbishop Lori to lead an investigation into charges of corruption.

That investigation found a pattern of unchecked spending by Bishop Bransfield, including enormous outlays for travel ($2.4 million) and renovations on the bishop’s residence ($4.6 million). Archbishop Lori’s report included regular spending items such as about $1,000 monthly for alcohol served in the bishop’s residence and $100 daily for flowers delivered to the chancery.

Bishop Bransfield also used his considerable fundraising prowess to lavish cash gifts on other prelates. His gifts to the apostolic nuncios serving in Washington totaled $38,000.

The investigation did not find conclusive evidence that Bishop Bransfield had been guilty of sexual abuse of minors, but did report “a consistent pattern of sexual innuendo, and overt suggestions and actions toward those over whom the former bishop exercised authority.”

Why not make excessive alcohol consumption a grave mortal sin even when it occurs at home?  Catechism of the Catholic Church  section 2290 (on alcohol) and 2291 (on drugs) respectively states as follows, quoted without underscore/hyperlink [2]:

2290 The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkenness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others' safety on the road, at sea, or in the air.
2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

Why should there be a difference in the wording between the abuse of alcohol and the abuse of drugs, in partucular the first two sentences? 


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Improper Use Of Funds By The Catholic Church

A post dated May 29, 2019, cited an article by Market Watch  entitled Pope Francis is no fan of ‘builders of walls,’ donates $500,000 to migrants. [1]

Yesterday, June 4, CNN  published an article entitled The US Catholic Church spent more than $300 million on abuse-related costs in 12 months.  Quoted below is the first paragraph [2]:  

Between June 2017 and June 2018 the Catholic Church in the United States spent a whopping $301.6 million on costs related to clergy sexual abuse, including nearly $200 million in legal settlements, according to a report commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The amount is sixty times (60x) more than the relative paltry $500,000 one-time donation Bergoglio gave to the migrants.  In comparison, the $301.6 million was used up in just in one fiscal year in the United States alone.  What about the amount spent in previous years, and the years to follow, in the United States and elsewhere around the world?

Collections are supposed to pay for the costs of upkeep of churches and to help the poor who are unable to afford food, shelter and health care, not to pay legal fees and out-of-court settlements for clergy sexual abuse.  Such use of church funds by clerics is improper and ought to be classified as a mortal sin.  It ought to be a sin so grave that unless the clerics repent, they could be subject to eternal damnation.

In the future, the monies needed to pay for expenses related to sexual abuse should first be taken from the clerics' living expenses until they all become mendicants like Saint Francis of Assisi.

Only then will they truly experience what they had set out to do, to live out the vow of poverty, and to be like Christ.  Otherwise, they are just like some bureaucrats who get paid with benefits and who do not do much work.  Some even take drugs and engage in sex with each other, with other gay men, gay male escorts, seminarians and with boys, violating their vow of chastity.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Tweeting About Catholic faith and morals

Quoted below is Bishop Thomas Tobin's tweet that has led to a lot of reactions and news reports [1]:

 Jun 1 
A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children.

This blogger was not going to comment on this because he agrees with both sides, but because it seems to be the talk of the day, he is putting in his two-cents worth of drivel.

The best retort to the tweet above was that children are safer at a gay pride event than in a Catholic church, a not so subtle reminder of the pedophile clerics who abused children.

As this blogger sees it, if Catholics are advised to "not support or attend LGBTQ" pride events, then Catholics should also be advised not to attend Catholic church services since the Catholic church was at one point most certainly proud of their gay and promiscuous Theodore McCarrick (and others who are yet to be identified) who had been given all kinds of perks and responsibilities even after knowing that he (and they) had molested boys and/or slept with seminarians.  The Catholic church just has a different way of celebrating one's gay sexual orientation: instead of openly, it is done secretly.

Regarding pride events, this blogger's opinion is that they are not necessary any more since same-sex attracted people are gradually having rights equal to opposite-sex attracted people except in some countries.  Nowadays, such events are to draw crowds and for vendors and the local government to make money.  It has become a tourist attraction.

As far as pride events and activities being contrary to Catholic faith and morals are concerned, they are not the only events that take place that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals.  Building weapons of destruction is also an event that is contrary to Catholic faith and morals, as are bombings of places and people and manufacturing genetically modified organisms, as well as living extravagantly, being mindlessly entertained, worshipping sports and movie stars, taking drugs and abusing alcohol, not adhering to the vows of poverty and chastity by those who have taken them, and on and on.  The list is nearly endless.

So where and when should one begin to stop participating in events contrary to Catholic faith and morals?  Pride events are easily identifiable by their locations around the world at certain times of year.  What about the other events that take place year-round everywhere?  How often should such a reminder go out on Twitter?  Who is in a position to remind who?  Who can speak without any taint of hypocrisy and self-righteousness?


Hong Kong Catholics Mixing Politics & Religion

This blogger cannot believe that he would today side with China in its quest to close down Catholic churches under certain conditions.  There are many conditions to be considered.  For example, sex abuses by the clergy, raising of funds for political purposes and the improper use of the Catholic Church as a tool for political activism.

UCA News  published an article on May 22, 2019, entitled Hong Kong Catholics mark Tiananmen anniversary.  Quoted below without hyperlinks are excerpts from the article [1]:

Catholics in Hong Kong have begun conducting a special exhibition to commemorate the crackdown by China's communist regime on pro-democracy demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989.


Catholic organizers of a May 18-26 exhibition in Hong Kong wanted to show that the Church supported the pro-democracy movement.


"Once I stepped out from home to join the protest, my life changed," she [Biddy Kwok] said, adding that other Catholic parishioners came onto the streets.

What she said could have been true for her but in this blogger's opinion, Ms. Kwok's life might not have changed for the better or have become holier because she decided to join the protest.  Protests by activist Catholics do not bode well for non-activist Catholics who pray in silence, who want to be able to attend church, who do not underestimate the power of prayer, who live in humility and who rely on God for assistance.  Ms. Kowk acted as if she and her cohort activists had the power to overcome the authoritarian regime in China.  Their civil disobedience only angers the Chinese officials, giving them an excuse to close down all Catholic churches in order to stop insurrections that threaten the state's political system and stability.

If Ms. Kwok and her cohorts do not have peace living under an authoritarian regime, this blogger recommends that they move out of China-owned Hong Kong to take up residence in India to become part of an ethnic (Chinese) minority in the world's most populous democracy.  Perhaps they will find what they are looking for, interior peace, plenty of joy and lots of laughs!

Or perhaps, rather than protesting, they can find fulfillment by making a trip to two a year to India to help out the brothers of the Missionaries Of The Poor in Andhra Pradesh [2] and in Orissa [3].

Even a priest, Father Louis Ha, took part in mixing politics and religion.  Continuing with quoting from the article cited [4]:

Father Ha said there were then Catholic Church events such as prayer meetings and Masses to support the democracy movement.

Father Ha was then the Hong Kong Catholic Social Communications Office director and he offered space to journalists returning from Beijing to compile reports and edit film footage. That included editing a film record of the massacre that occurred on June 4, 1989.

The priest added that because of such assistance being given, Hong Kong citizens knew that the Church was working for justice and peace.

Father Ha also recalled that Cardinal Joseph Wu, the former bishop of Hong Kong, regarded the student movement as peacefully and rationally seeking democratic reforms as well as an end to corruption.

These clerics must be thinking that democracy will lead to justice and peace and end corruption.  They just need to look at the the democracies around the world to realize that it is a fantasy.  Which democratic government in the world has justice, peace and a total absence of corruption?

The Chinese Catholics who think that democracy is a path to God have not lived in a democracy.  Democracy is noisy because every one can express an opinion and every opinion counts.  How often do people share the same opinion and agree on everything?  Those who are in the minority who have no power may not find peace within a democracy.  Some may not even think there is justice, and they would be correct because wherever there is a lack of justice, there is corruption and corruption is an integral part of every kind of government.  Even the Catholic Church cannot escape politics and corruption, and with all the sex scandals being revealed, peace has been elusive.

It appears that Fr. Ha and Cardinal Wu, Ms. Kwok and her cohorts are not at peace but want peace, the kind of peace they believe democracy will bring.  Can they possibly be in error?

Christ said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives." [5]  Perhaps they should all try to seek the peace that Christ gives by practicing humility and by setting aside their hunger for recognition fueled by their pride and vanity, the roots of all politics.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Learning About Ascension Thursday

Jennifer Gregory Miller wrote an article that was published by  entitled The Solemnity of the Ascension: The Feast Who Was Thursday.  It is very detailed.  Quoted below are selected portions from two of the paragraphs that give a brief overview of the Lord's ascension [1]:

This [past] week was often referred to as Rogation Week before the revision of the calendar in 1969, and the Solemnity of the Ascension is traditionally celebrated on Thursday. But much of that has changed, or varies depending on where one lives.


Originally the early Church celebrated the fifty (50) days of Easter to Pentecost as a whole. It wasn’t until the fourth century that the fortieth (40th) day was marked by the feast of the Ascension, and then the fiftieth (50th) marked by Pentecost to close the Easter season.
