Saturday, April 8, 2017

The New (Catholic) Church Looks To Man -- Not God

The assertion that the Catholic Church (the one under new management) is a new church that puts man ahead of God and the Son of God came out of an imaginary trip this blogger took by putting himself in the shoes of those on the receiving end of the new church's messages.  This entry is based on subjective opinions and thus it is pure speculation, as are the rest of the posts in the blog.

As a refugee and migrant:  "The defense of the life, dignity and human rights of migrants and refugees must come before any other question when enacting migration policies." [1]  Upon hearing this, one would conclude that no refugee or migrant need be humble like Mary and Joseph who were in search of a place to stay when the Blessed Mother was ready to give birth to the Son of God since there is now an expectation created by the new church that there would be an absolute right for a refugee or migrant to demand to have dignity, even though no dignity was given to the Holy Family by those with the means to do so.  Instead of insisting on having their basic human rights, the Holy Family accepted what God had provided (or not provided, depending on one's perspective) and put their future entirely in God's hands. While on the move, like the Holy Family, no refugee and no migrant will be without divine assistance if there is faith in God.  However, today's new church does not really have unwavering faith in God, and most certainly does not put trust in miracles, but thinks that all sufferings of man can be solved with the enactment of social legislation.  In other words, this new church wants the refugee and migrant to focus on his or her rights, on his or her life, not the lives of Mary, Joseph and Jesus, and certainly not anyone else's life. What the new church wants each refugee and migrant to assert is clear: "I am here.  Look at me.  I deserve, and you have a lawful duty to give me all that I deserve."  Humility and love for God are not part of this hypothetical and subjectively worded message, even though the keys to both the heart and Heaven are humility and love of God and neighbor.  It is a secular and political message, appropriate for this new secular and politically-charged institution.

As a LGBT activist:  "A top Vatican cardinal and several other high-ranking prelates have praised a new book on what the Catholic Church's relationship with the 'LGBT community' should be, written by progressive Jesuit Father James Martin." [2]  "Cardinal Kevin Farrell, appointed by Pope Francis to head the Vatican's life and family dicastery, called Martin's book 'a welcome and much-needed book that will help bishops, priests, pastoral associates, and all church leaders more compassionately minister to the LGBT community." [3] "'It will also help LGBT Catholics feel more at home in what is, after all, their church,' said Farrell, the former bishop of Dallas." [4]  After a literal reading of the words of Cardinal Farrell, one could reasonably conclude that the new church belongs to the LGBT community, that it is not truly universal, and that "bishops, priests, pastoral associates, and all church leaders" would no longer see people as individuals, each of whom is a child of God, but as a group identified by their sexual inclinations, in the case of the LGBT group (as contrasted with, say, a group of migrants being identified by their unspecified sexual preferences speaking the same language culturally and phonetically), and further identified by their subcultures, some of which can be quite insular, and subtly exclusionary, but not discriminatory, on various bases. When had Christ grouped people together by their differences, such as by what they do (fisherman versus tax collector), or segregated them by their labels (Samaritan versus Jew), and treated them differently because they can be categorized?  He had not; every person is loved uniquely even though every person sins.  When one stands before God, one stands alone, each with his or her own set of burdens and sins.  Therefore, a group with a political or social agenda is irrelevant before God, whether it is LGBT or IBSA ("International Blind Sports Association") or any other group. However, this assertion does not apply to the new church since it is not the Church that Christ had established for the individual who loves God; rather, it is more akin to a secular institution that is controlled by a group of seasoned, radical and racially uniform male politicians and administrators at the top echelons that focuses on the individual--in this case, on individuals that willfully and demonstrably associate themselves with a group--not on God or the individual's love for God.  In other words, this is what the new church could be saying to the LGBT group, and to all sinners in general, subjectively imagined: "It is all about you. You are a part of our institution.  We do not care what you do sexually or otherwise, how you exclude and scorn others who are unlike you, or how unforgiving you can be (by taking others to court even though you may be right) when others do not share your thinking (even when it impinges on another person's religious freedom to not promote gay marriages [5]).  We also do not care whether or not you hate your God-given body and whether or not you mutilate your sexual organs, or if you even truly love God and are humble before God and neighbor.  So long as you are happy with this new church and donating to it, you can be a hypocrite, and you are welcomed here."

As someone within the Catholic hierarchy who disagrees with the pope:  Here the pope had no words and had let his actions speak.  When the silence is translated, the new church could be saying this, subjectively imagined: "You are invisible.  We do not like you and your philosophy.  It does not matter that you are Catholic, that you are a priest, a bishop, an archbishop, a cardinal or some other leader of a Catholic organization (seminary is included) that is under the purview of the Holy See (especially when the Holy See owns the land and the buildings you construct and use and you do not wish to give them up regardless of principle because you are hypocrites just like we are, basking in power and comfort).  You can go on performing your duties so long as you do not infringe on the new church's power; if and when you do, you will be demoted and sent to the Vatican's equivalent of Siberia.  It is all about you and your non-conformist attitude and nothing about how holy you are or how much you love God."

There are many more roles to assume, but the conclusions are generally the same as the above; therefore, this entry ends here.

[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.

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