Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Knight Of Malta: Fra’ Matthew Festing 2.0

The Washington Post  published an article by the Associated Press  dated April 26, 2017, entitled Ousted Maltese knight returns in defiance of pope’s wishes  is not  quoted below [1] because it is copyrighted, as indicated at the bottom of the article.

Does one ever wonder what the purpose of writing is if it not intended for public consumption other than a personal diary?  And if it is intended for public consumption which the article above apparently is, then why limit its circulation, and if the circulation is to be limited, then why permit the various news outlets to republish it?  Furthermore, is the matter in the article a secret so that it can be deemed proprietary?

God gave this blogger a voice.  It is one he neither owns nor is one that is authorized by God to monetize when it is being used on matters intrinsic to God.  In this blogger's opinion, all news, materials and other matters (factual or imaginary) that originate from God or the seat of Peter, the Vatican, ought not to be subjected to copyright restrictions.  To copyright matters that originate from God or the seat of Peter is to take from God and call what have been taken one's own.  Whether that is considered stealing is not for man to judge, but for Christ to decide.

There is, however, another article, this one by Philip Pullella, edited by Tom Heneghan and published by  on April 26, 2017, entitled Ex Knights of Malta head defies pope order, plans Rome return  that does not have a copyright restriction and it is quoted below [2] in its entirety:

The ousted Grand Master of the Knights of Malta Catholic charity will attend a meeting that could elect his successor, the group said on Wednesday, in a direct defiance of Pope Francis' order for him to stay away.

A spokesperson for the Knights said Matthew Festing, who resigned on Jan. 24, had informed the group that he would come to the meeting this Saturday at its headquarters in Rome.

It was not clear if he would stand for re-election, as some of his supporters have urged him to.

On April 15, Archbishop Angelo Becciu, the Vatican's deputy secretary of state, who the pope named "special delegate" to the ancient chivalric group, ordered Festing not to travel to Rome for the election.

"Your presence would re-open wounds, only recently healed, and would prevent the event taking place in an atmosphere of peace and regained harmony," Becciu said in a letter, a copy of which was obtained by Reuters from a Vatican source.

Becciu said in the letter the pope "shared" his decision and asked Festing to stay away as "an act of obedience".

Festing tendered his resignation to the pope after a month-long, highly public spat with the Vatican over the group's sovereignty.

The turmoil began in December when Festing, a Briton, fired Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, the German-born Grand Chancellor of the aristocratic order.

Festing and conservative U.S. Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, the group's chaplain and a frequent critic of the pope, had accused Boeselager of violating Church rules by turning a blind eye to the use of condoms in aid projects in the developing world when he was in a previous post.

Festing, who defiantly ordered members not to cooperate with a papal investigation of events surrounding Boeselager's dismissal, lost his battle with the Vatican and became the first Grand Master in centuries to resign instead of ruling for life.

The Vatican concluded the condom issue was just an excuse by Festing and Burke to wield more power in the 970-year-old organization and Boselager was reinstated.

The Knights of Malta counts some 13,000 members, 80,000 volunteers and about 25,000 paid employees, mostly medical staff who run charities and development projects around the world.

The all-male top leaders are not clerics but take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience to the pope.

The Vatican wants this weekend's vote to elect an interim leader to run the group for a year while its constitution is changed. But the group could also decide to elect a new Grand Master.

It will be interesting to see if an "atmosphere of peace and regained harmony" in the words of Archbishop Angelo Becciu, the Vatican's deputy secretary of state, above will prevail or the oft-used word of Bergolio, his boss, "mercy," will, when "[e]lectors representing members of the Sovereign Military Order of as the Council Complete of State beginning April 29[, 2017, Saturday,] in Rome." [3]


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