Monday, March 20, 2017

One Who Defies Explanation

God cannot be proved, described or explained but that does not stop people, including this blogger, from reducing God to words and concepts.  Many things God does and does not do are not within the confines of human knowledge and understanding and are not subject to human judgment.  Man who is made in God's image is not God and is incapable of acting the way God acts, although he is often under the delusion that he is infallible (due to pride) and is God's replacement on earth.

This blogger has neither set foot in a seminary nor has he taken a class in theology, but he supposes that what is being taught and learned necessarily relies on a contradiction: man's imperfect intellect and man's infallibility.  In academia, infallibility is a given since instructors are expected to teach what is right and students are expected to learn the same.  If man is humble enough to realize how limited his knowledge is, how faulty his reasoning can be at times, then there is no need for years of religious education and bible study.  Aside from knowing the words of God spoken by the Son of God, everything else that completes a theology curriculum ought to be considered as superfluous.

If the statement above is true, then what is the purpose of immersing oneself in theological studies year after year when God is simply love, when the first and most important commandment is to love God? [1], [2], [3].  Does acquiring knowledge through education help develop and perfect man's love for God?

Love is not something to be intellectualized by those who are educated or verbalized by those who are eloquent.  Love is to be felt and expressed; it is a feeling that emanates from the heart.  Unlike theoretical concepts that can be convoluted and words that can be deceptive and ideological, love that comes from the heart, love that is not being filtered through and perverted by self-serving thoughts, is pure, humble and instinctual and is from God, not something an educational institution can provide.

Similar to oxygen, an external element that connects living creatures to each other, love is an internal source that binds in one form or another all of creation to God. [4]  However, man does not use these built-in similarities to relate; rather, man uses his incomplete knowledge and faulty intellect to dominate, and in some instances to act as if he were God. Only megalomaniacs can be deluded into believing that they are acting on God's behalf, and only true unbelievers can imagine that they could be better than God.  Even the Serpent knows God and dared not lie to Eve and Adam that they would be greater than God, only that they would be "like God" if they would eat the forbidden fruit. [5]

Far from being like God and living his life in accordance with the words of Christ, man on the contrary has become like Satan in its malevolent and prideful ways.  Despite the breadth of education that many, including the religious, around the world have received, love that is pure, humble and direct from the heart has been elusive, and God's ways have remained inscrutable.

[4] As an example, flowering plants depend on the bees' love for nectar to be pollinated, and ocean life depends on humans' love for the natural environment to flourish in its natural pristine form.  It is important to note that man's love for his environment is rarely, if ever, pure; rather it is almost always tainted by self-interest, personal, political and/or economic.  Is there any environmentalist who does not rely on modern conveniences that put so much toxicity into the ground that would in time poison the water that all life on earth depends on for a healthful existence?  By the way, this blogger is not an environmentalist but if he claims to be one, then he is an environmentalist hypocrite.

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