Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Francis Of Assisi On Acquiring Knowledge

The content that is being directed to by the link below is far beyond what this blogger can hope to match with his incomplete knowledge, faulty intellect and spiritual unawareness.  Therefore, it is on a separate page even though it could be part of the last post. [1]

In the book edited by Armstrong, Regis J. O.F.M. Cap. et.al, entitled Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, Volume II, The Founder, there are three pages, from 207 to 209 beginning at [103] through [104], that can be found online at https://books.google.com/books?id=dCbmHZ_G5DwC&pg=PA207&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false. [2]  They along with the rest of the pages in the book are worth reading.  Of particular interest with respect to the title of this entry is the last paragraph on page 209 in which this blogger's favorite saint was able to say so much in so few words: "There are many who willingly climb to the heights of knowledge; that person be blessed who renounces it for the love of God." [3]

[1] The last post was inspired by a Lenten seminar the blogger attended on March 18, 2017, that was difficult to follow and that he almost fell asleep during it.
[2] Accessed on March 21, 2017, at approximately 21:00 hours.
[3] Armstrong, Regis J. O.F.M. Cap. et.al, (2000).  Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, Volume II, The Founder (p. 209). Hyde Park, NY:  New City Press.

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