Friday, May 4, 2012

3 a.m. Telephone Call

BEIJING, China.  It was more or less 3am EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) in Washington D.C. on or about April 29, 2012, when the telephone in the White House started ringing.  America's children were safe and asleep. [1]  On the other end was a blind Chinese activist (now a dissident [2]) critical of China's one-child enforcement tactics with a telephone on or about the same day, more or less 3pm CST (China Standard Time), calling the President of the United States from the US Embassy in Beijing.  No one picked up the call.

Meanwhile, Hillary was busy with a trip to Beijing.  After she arrived, she picked up the telephone and spoke to the blind man. [3]  Was this the 3am telephone call coming true? [1]  The boss in the White House is still silent.  The US President does not know what to do or say but the blind dissident had plenty to say and lots of ideas what he could do.  He even called Congress. [4]  During that call, the blind dissident said he wanted to leave China, fly to the US with Hillary, and rest.  He said he had not rested for 10 years [5] even though he had been under house arrest for quite some time.

The story is still developing.  It seems that the blind dissident has been offered a chance to study at NYU as a visiting scholar but the university did not indicate how long he would be permitted to visit. [6]  He has also indicated that he feared for his immediate family and those who helped him escape.  It is possible that this blind self-taught lawyer might organize a large community to protest against China's human rights record, perhaps as large as a 1/4 billion people and ask President Obama and NYU to bring them all to the United States so that they could rest in front of their televisions watching Wall Street protesters work on their behalf, to have the US government give them their entitlements, in the same way that he had been given food, shelter and healthcare in China [7].  He might even run for President as an even bigger community organizer than the current President of the United States, but not right away because he does not have a US birth certificate yet.

[2]  Definition of dissident (only for the purpose of this post):  a person who is being dissed behind closed doors in Beijing and in Washington D.C.
[3]  "Clinton urged China to protect human rights but made no specific mention of Chen, whom she had spoken to on Wednesday after he left the embassy."  See
[5]  What do people do when they are under house arrest?  Are they busy 24/7?  They do not ever rest?  Quite an exciting house arrest program China must have.
[7]  What exactly does this blind man do when he was under house arrest?  How did he get to have a house in the first place and who provides him food, water, clothing and healthcare?

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