Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thoughts On God, Sunday, May 27, 2012

The crucifixion date for Jesus is now determined to be April 3, 33. [1]  But 1,979 years later, the Vatican is rife with intrigue, from power struggles and political backstabbing to financial mismanagement and corruption as well as the age-old question of whether or not the butler did it. [2]  Paolo Gabriele, the Pope's butler, was charged with illegal possession of documents and arrested by the Vatican and placed in a cell within the Vatican.  Was he the culprit or was he simply doing his duty, following orders to protect the Pope and the Catholic Church?  If the butler turns out to be a pawn in the staging of evidence possibly by the Opus Dei which also happens to be the entity in charge of the investigations against a sinister player in this developing saga, then was he cooperating with Opus Dei in order to do God's work (pardon the pun)?  If that is the case, who might this sinister character be?  It seems that for now, all fingers are pointing to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

Who is Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone?  He is Pope Benedict XVI's Secretary of State.  Based on an article published by the Catholic Exchange on February 3, 2012, Cardinal Bertone seems to be an attention-hoarding, power-hungry Cardinal who acted as if he were the Pope. [3]  Perhaps he is pro-Italy and in his mind it is time to return the control of the Vatican to the Italians, especially when Italy wants a share of the money the Catholic Church is pulling in to support the debt-ridden Italian government.  In order to do so, Cardinal Bertone wanted more "confidentiality" rather than what the Pope wants which is transparency in the Vatican's financial operations. [4]

So where is God in all of this?  I'm really not sure.  You can "tweet" Pope Benedict XVI .  Maybe he has an answer. [5]

[5] Follow-up:  Pope Benedict XVI's sermon on this Pentecost Sunday at St. Peter's Basilica answers this question with circumlocutional eloquence:

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