Sunday, April 1, 2012

Thoughts On God - Palm Sunday, April 1, 2012

Palm Sunday.

Man is unable to bestow upon another (or himself) an honor more lasting than the Crown of Thorns man forced upon the Son of God. [1] He wore it in humility while suffering from painful wounds, thirst, hunger and exhaustion and He carried a heavy wooden cross to Golgotha where He would be crucified alive. At His death, He was a man without guilt and without sin.

For believers, Jesus was God's son Who had died to redeem the sinful; for non-believers (those who know about Jesus but do not believe that He is the Son of God), he was a just man who once wore a crown of thorns whose life's story remains a thorn in their lives.

[1] From my "tweet" this morning @al_in_sf

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