Saturday, March 7, 2015

Searching For Mary, Mother Of Jesus

My last entry began with words self-evident: "Jesus is not physically here," and neither is His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Like Her Son, Her disappearance from this earth is similarly mysterious and scientifically unascertainable, but not too many people, skeptics included, spend time and resources looking for Her.  Is it because She had not left behind clues and nobody had bothered to manufacture any, or because Her existence did not matter or because She was merely human and not God, or is it for some other reason that the search for the Mother of Jesus lacks interest?

Any attempt to answer the questions above is speculative and this blog is full of speculations.  To begin, Mary's existence mattered because without Her, Jesus would not have been born.  Without Jesus, who knows how the years would be counted--certainly they would not be B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini)--and how inconvenient it would be if every culture insisted on counting time in a peculiar way, in which case, time travel would take on an entirely different meaning.

Secondly, even though the Blessed Virgin Mary was human, She was above being merely human since she was born without Original Sin ("que soy era Immaculada Councepciou" or "I am the Immaculate Conception" [1]) and as such, She was the perfect spouse, the perfect mother, the perfect relative and the perfect woman to whom all women ought to aspire to.  To say that She is not God would be correct but to say She is not God-like, She being the Mother of God, would be incorrect.

Thirdly, the Blessed Virgin Mary did leave behind places She resided in.  One of them is in Ephesus, Turkey, and it is near St. John's Basilica [3], but nobody had done any extensive, detailed examination beside carbon dating the structure. [4]

Finally, there could be many other reasons why scientists, documentary filmmakers and skeptics have not spent much effort in locating other evidence, either real or fake, belonging to the Blessed Virgin Mary and explaining the lack of such evidence should they not find any at all.  Whatever their reasons maybe do not keep Her from being very real or in any way minimize Her importance.

The continuing presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary over the centuries is evidence of the indispensable role She plays in the salvation of souls.  She is the constant intercessor between God and sinner because She possesses infinite compassion; She is also God's designated messenger to heal people and to show them the way to peace by Her apparitions in different parts of the world regardless of differences in language, culture and religion. [5], [6], [7], [8].  Starting with 1900, the list is long [9].  Considerably shorter is the list of approved apparitions [10].

Perhaps the chief reason that no concerted effort has ever been made to discredit the Blessed Virgin Mary is not because of Her many apparitions but Her status as a woman, the  Woman Who replaced Eve, the  Woman Whom Satan dare not approach, for She is most holy, incorruptible and undefilable/unblemishable and most beautiful (O sanctissima, inviolata, intemerata, O pulcherrima), the  Woman Who is known to be clement, loving, sweet (O clemens, O pia, O dulcis), the  Woman Who is God's servant, the spouse of the Holy Spirit and the Mother of God's only Son.

It is interesting to note that those who keep on searching for Jesus do not look to His Mother for guidance since She can always find Her Son Who listens to Her [11], [12] and can direct all who supplicate toward His Sacred Heart.

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