Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Receiving The Holy Spirit

Not too many people call upon the Holy Spirit for assistance probably because the third entity of the Holy Trinity has remained elusive.  The Holy Spirit is difficult to recognize since It has not been known to have an identifiable form.  It is a calibrated energy source that can be gentle like a baby lamb [1] as well as an enormously destructive force when It expands.

This Holy energy source has intellect and sensitivity.  One can ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  If the request is granted, It will enter gently, almost imperceptibly, and one will experience complete fulfillment. Then It will expand, ever so gradually, until one finds it difficult to breathe to the point of suffocation.  If one does not ask It to stop, death would be certain.

Death by the Holy Spirit while experiencing complete fulfillment is not necessarily a bad thing but death by suffocation cannot be a pleasant experience.  Faced with a choice between an imperfect life and death by the Holy Spirit, an imperfect life is the better. The Holy Spirit knows this, so as soon as one asks the Holy Spirit to stop, It will disappear along with the fulfillment It brings [2], and the breathing will return to normal.

One can also ask the Holy Spirit for a shot energy when it is needed.  A dose of energy from the Holy Spirit is better than caffeine because the Holy Spirit knows how much energy the body needs and for how long in order to accomplish whatever task is at hand with no lingering effects.

Communicating with the Holy Spirit through prayer is possible, but contrary to what others might have experienced or believe, and contrary to John 16:13, the Holy Spirit does not speak, in my opinion, at least not anymore. John 16:13 states: "But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.  He will not speak on his own, but will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming." [3]  The footnote to this passage provided by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops states: "Declare to you the things that are coming: not a reference to new predictions about the future, but interpretation of what has already occurred or been said." [4] [Emphasis original.]  Since what has already occurred or been said has already been interpreted and analyzed, it is therefore reasonable to conclude that the Holy Spirit no longer needs to speak, especially when the Blessed Virgin Mary has been doing much of the speaking during Her apparitions.

The third nature of the Holy Trinity has been silent for quite some time but It is around somewhere.  Even though It is the most mysterious, the Holy Spirit ought not to be a stranger. In John 14:16-17, Jesus said, "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it.  But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you." [5], [6].

[1] From Google images:
[2] But see John 14:16-17 and footnote [6] below.
[4] Ibid.
[6] This has not been my experience, however.  Some day I hope to be close enough with the Holy Spirit to receive It and to have It remain with and in me always, to fill me with God's Eternal Truth which brings uninterrupted peace and complete fulfillment.  Then nothing else matters.  That day may never come but remembering that it is possible, especially during difficult and depressing times, ought to give way to light that will dispel the darkness, to peace that will calm a tormented mind and contentment that will fill a troubled heart.

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