Monday, August 2, 2021

Speculations On Satan

How one can be protected from Satan:

First, by the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The Blessed Virgin Mary will protect Her children under Her mantle of motherly love.

Second, by Saint Michael the Archangel.  Saint Michael the Archangel will defeat Satan with the sword.  The defeated Satan will suffer temporarily but does not die because it is spirit, and will return again to lead souls to ruin.

Third, by the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Lord Jesus Christ will protect those who believe in Him, who choose to walk in His footsteps and leave Satan behind.  Verse from Matthew 4:10 [1]:

Jesus said to [the devil], “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve [H]im only.’”
[1]  The verse has a footnote [a] that refers to Deut. 6:13: "Fear the Lord your God, serve [H]im only..."  See

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