Saturday, August 14, 2021

Hymn For The Vigil Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary - O Prima Virgo Prodita - 14 August

O Prima Virgo Prodita, quoted below in Latin, is from [1] - the hymn was chanted and uploaded by Gloriae Dei Cantores on YouTube -

1. O Prima, Virgo, pródita
E Conditóris spíritu,
Prædestináta Altíssimi
Gestáre in alvo Fílium;
2. Tu perpes hostis fémina
Prænuntiáta dǽmonis,
Oppléris una grátia
Intamináta orígine.

3. Tu ventre Vitam cóncipis,
Vitámque ab Adam pérditam,
Diæ litándæ Víctimæ
Carnem minístrans, íntegras.

4. Merces piáclo débita
Devícta mors te déserit,
Almíque consors Fílii
Ad astra ferris córpore.

5. Tanta corúscans glória,
Natúra cuncta extóllitur,
In te vocáta vérticem
Decóris omnis tángere.

6. Ad nos, triúmphans, éxsules,
Regína, verte lúmina,
Cæli ut beátam pátriam,
Te, consequámur áuspice.

7. Gloria tibi Dómine, [2]
Qui natus es de Vírgine,
Cum Patre et Sancto Spíritu,
In sempitérna sǽcula.

The hymn in English, quoted below is also from [3]:

1. O You, first Virgin,
E Conditóris spíritu,
you made the Creator the breath
the Most High Son in his bosom.

2. It was predicted that a woman
that she would fight a demon,
she would be full of grace,
unblemished from conception.

3. You carried Life in your womb
that Adam had lost
by offering a pure body
to make the Lord a sacrifice.

4. The price of sin is
the inevitable death, that does not defeat you,
because you, companion of the Son,
you reach for the stars with your body.

5. Illuminated with great glory,
you have an exalted nature,
that, in all its splendor,
reaches unprecedented heights of beauty.

6. Direct your eyes to the exiles,
oh Queen, let your triumphs
give us the holy homeland in heaven,
we ask you to take care of us.

7. Glory be to you, O Lord,
Born of a Virgin,
With the Father and the Holy Spirit
World without end.

[2] The Roman Catholic Daily Missal, 1962, Angelus Press, page 1359, the line is "Jesu, tibi sit glória," these words were chanted on YouTube  by Gloriæ Dei Cantores, not those quoted from

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