Saturday, July 17, 2021

Continued - Celebration Of Tridentine (Latin) Mass Restricted - Letter To Bishops & Apostolic Letter "MOTU PROPRIO" - 16 July 2021

Link to the article entitled Text of pope’s letter to bishops on celebration of Mass  published by Our Sunday Visitor

Quoted from St. John Cantius Church [1]:

Today Pope Francis issued the Motu Proprio, Traditionis Custodis, [2] concerning the use of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Understandably this presents questions for our friends and the faithful of our parishes. 

Perhaps this is a good time to review the prophesy of Saint Francis of Assisi.  Quoted from [3]:

“A Man, not Canonically Elected, will be raised to the Pontificate… In those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a Destroyer”

Virgo Sacrata  also has this to say: "St. Francis of Assisi had a gift of prophesy about a future Church crisis such as ours.  He described a corrupt pontificate where Our Lord had placed a 'non-canonically elected destroyer' into the visible seat." [4]

Catholic Truth  published an article entitled  Was Pope Francis canonically elected?  The paragraphs below quoted in part come from this article [5]:

... In fact, long before Benedict’s announcement of impending resignation, a close personal friend of mine, the late Mons. Mario Marini, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission «Ecclesia Dei», informed me of the well organized plot in Rome, in the Northern Italian bishoprics, and in the French hierarchy, to pressure and coerce Pope Benedict to resign. From the beginning the Modernist progressives wanted him out. Cardinal Daneels publicly expressed his displeasure with the election of Cardinal Ratzinger immediately after the cardinals elected him. Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor likewise made the very telltale remark that same day, saying, “We didn’t get our man.” The one he referred to as “our man” was Mario Jorge Bergoglio SJ.


    Almost immediately upon assuming the papacy, John Paul I’s pontificate was quickly turning into a potential catastrophe for ecclesiastical Freemasonry. He was going to purge the Vatican bank and remo[v]e it from Masonic control under Bishop Paul Marcinkus, and he announced to Cardinal Villot his intention to remove the three of the highest ranking Masonic prelates (Villot himself, Casaroli and Card. Ugo Polletti) from the Roman Curia and replace them with conservatives. About an hour later, Pope Luciani was dead. His body was discovered the following morning. The murder of the pope was carried out by P2 Freemasons....Already, three days before the death of John Paul I, Archbishop (and future Cardinal) Eduard Gagnon had said to Fr. Mario Marini, “They’re going to kill this pope. He is trying to make too many changes, and too quickly.” Three days later, Marini called Gagnon after having just learned of the death of Pope Luciani —  Marini asked Gagnon, “Do you remember what you told me three days ago?” Archbishop Gagnon replied, “I remember very well, and they did it.”

     Archbishop Gagnon not only predicted the murder of Pope John Paul I, but he also predicted the election of Cardinal Wojtyla as a compromise candidate in the second 1978 conclave....So, John Paul II was not the choice of the progressivists in 1978, he was not “their man”, but a compromise candidate acceptable to both sides. 

      After some years, when it became clear that in moral and disciplinary matters John Paul would not budge from the traditional position, and he would seek a rapproachment with the SSPX, rather than a hard line, the progressivists grew increasingly impatient with him, and set in motion the movement to oust him. . John Paul II even said while visiting  Ancona around 1995 or 1996 that he was not leaving and would stay put. Back then, “their man” was the other Jesuit heretic, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini SJ. The Wojtylian pontificate lingered on and on as Cardinal Martini became old and decrepit (nearly 80 years old) when John Paul II finally died. Whereas in the 90s, in diplomatic circles and where the “good and the great” meet, when Martini was present, index fingers discreetly pointed him out as the next pope. By the time Pope Wojtyla died in 2005, it was too late for Martini — the ‘powers that be’ now wanted the younger Jesuit (heretic), Bergoglio to succeed the Polish pope. However, too many non-European cardinals rallied behind Ratzinger after his funeral homily for John Paul II, so they still didn’t get their man — they got the hated “German Shepherd”, also known as “God’s Rotweiller”, Joseph Ratzinger.

     After Pope Benedict issued Summorum Pontificum, freeing the celebration of the traditional Latin liturgy so hated by the progressivists, and after backtracking on some progressive positions of Vatican II, and reforming the liturgy of the Mass rite of Paul VI along conservative lines, the progressivists led by ecclesiastical Masons were determined to oust him. It even reached the point that death threats were transmitted to him. I was informed by a cleric close to Pope Benedict about the threats well before Benedict announced his resignation. So, I had no difficulty believ[i]ng the reports of Fr. Santiago (a personal collaborator of Pope Benedict) and Alberto Villasana about the coercion, threats and pressures to oust Pope Benedict. Now that Freemasonry has “their man” at the top of the Vatican, we can expect to eventually hear a dissenting reaction from Pope Benedict and his followers, as Francis pursues the Masonic policy of the utter demolition of Catholicism and a radical reform of the Church that would transform it into a Masonic  “dogma free Christianity”, and merge it into intercommunion with the other denominations and non-Christian religions. Meanwhile, there is growing awareness among Catholics that “Francis [I]” is increasingly manifesting himself to be exactly what St. Francis of Assisi foretold in his deathbed prophecy — “uncanonically elected”, and, “not a true pastor but a destroyer.” 

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