Saturday, November 7, 2020

Random Thoughts - November 2020

1. The acceptance of suffering with patience and humility draws one close to God.

2. Freedom of expression does not obviate the need to be respectful of others regardless of their beliefs.

3. A time will come when one has to face the truth and bear the consequences of lies and denials.

4. The path toward ultimate vengeance ends in death that never dies.

5. One who has been hurt can only heal with mercy and forgiveness.

6. Love resides in the heart.

7. God speaks through the heart.

8. Hate enters the mind as a cancerous tumor that spreads to the heart.

9. A heart consumed by hate no longer hears God.

10. Greed's appetite is insatiable.

11. Pride's twin is self-aggrandizement.

12. Compromise is the opposite of selflessness.

13. Those who lead a hedonistic lives pay no attention to their descendants' future.

14. Environmental hypocrites keep pampering themselves.

15. Man's ability to overpower nature dwarfs in comparison to nature's power over man.

16. Human cruelties are driven by ignorance and/or fear.

17. Those who are working to escape this planet should first work on escaping their own deaths.

18. Fur farming is sustained by vanity.

19. Mercy awaits those who act with compassion.

20. Cooperation advances civilization; division ends it.

21. Euthanasia is not an act of mercy.

22. End abortions by sexual abstinence.

23. Those who are self-righteous will gladly kill.

24. Innocence is seen as weakness by one who is evil.

25. Time exists within timelessness.

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