Monday, November 23, 2020

More Random Thoughts - November 2020

1. Root of all conflicts: Pride & Greed.

2. Three words to resolve all conflicts: "Love thy neighbor."

3. Two words to save one's soul: "Love God."

4. Source of mistrust: Being lied to.

5. Return to innocence: Live every moment with hope.

6. Denial of truth: A form of self-torture.

7. Betraying the good: Unjustifiable and indefensible.

8. Hell: For those who want to replace God and be glorified.

9. Purgatory: A contrite heart is necessary for entry.

10. Heaven: For those who put others first.

11. Decisions: The best come from the heart, not the mind.

12. Sin: A reminder of one's weakness to keep one humble.

13. Acceptance of sufferings: Key to understanding Christ.

14. What a mirror should reflect: Christ within oneself.

15. Reflection in the mirror: What one wants others to see.

16. Looking at oneself with honesty: Courage is required.

17. An ideal childhood: A life of carefree abandonment.

18. A life in captivity: Living with obsession & addiction.

19. Create an expectation: Don't if it won't be fulfilled.

20. Avoid disappointments: Expect nothing and be surprised.

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