Monday, September 7, 2020

The Blessed Virgin Mary's Birthday - 8 September

September 8 is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

"The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the day on which Christians East and West commemorate the birth of Mary, the Mother of God, was celebrated as early as the sixth century.... Saint Romanos the Melodist, an Eastern Christian who composed many of the hymns used in the Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox liturgies, composed a hymn for the feast at that time. The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary spread to Rome in the seventh century, but it took a couple of more centuries before it was celebrated throughout the West." [1]

"The Nativity of Mary is celebrated nine months after the Solemnity of [H]er Immaculate Conception (Dec 8th)....What joy it must have been to Saints Joachim and Anne on the birth of their beloved daughter Mary... [Whose] maternal intercession will lead us to [H]er beloved Son." [2]

"The birth of Mary is ordained in particular toward her mission as Mother of the Savior. Her existence is indissolubly connected with that of Christ: it partakes of a unique plan of predestination and grace. God's mysterious plan regarding the incarnation of the Word embraces also the Virgin who is His Mother. In this way, the Birth of Mary is inserted at the very heart of the History of Salvation." [3]

[1], quoted without hyperlinks.

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