Sunday, September 6, 2020

Quoting Francis I On Ecology

The paragraphs below are excerpted from Vatican News [1]:

“[T]he health crisis that humanity is currently experiencing reminds us of our fragility. We understand to what extent we are linked to one another, part of a world we share, and that mistreating it can only have serious consequences, not only environmental, but also social and human.”

“[T]he issue of ecology is increasingly permeating the ways of thinking at all levels and is beginning to influence political and economic choices, even if much remains to be done and even if we are still witnessing too slow and even backward steps.”

“[W]hen nature is considered solely as an object of profit and interest - a vision that consolidates the will of the strongest - then harmony is broken and serious inequalities, injustices and suffering occur.” 
“[T]he same indifference, the same selfishness, the same greed, the same pride, the same claim to be the master and despot of the world that leads human beings, on the one hand, to destroy species and plunder natural resources, on the other, to exploit misery, to abuse the work of women and children, to overturn the laws of the family cell, to no longer respect the right to human life from conception to the natural end.” 
“While the conditions on the planet may appear catastrophic and certain situations seem even irreversible,[”] ...“we Christians do not lose hope, because we have our eyes turned to Jesus Christ.[”]


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