Thursday, January 16, 2020

Woman Named As Vatican Under-Secretary For Relations Wtih States

"With the appointment of Dr [Francesca] Di Giovanni, the Section for Relations with States has two under-secretaries: Di Giovanni will work alongside Monsignor Mirosław Wachowski, who will continue to work primarily in the area of bilateral diplomacy." [1]

What Dr. Di Giovanni said is telling [2]:

I will continue to deal with what I have been following up to now in the Section for Relations with States, although in this new role, I shall be responsible for coordinating the work in this area.

This indicates that she has been working in the Section with States already, except that she now is taking on a role that is managerial in nature.  There is no indication as to who was in the managerial role before her when she was the person dealing with all the intricacies.

It would be unreasonable to assume that she, being the person with full knowledge of what goes on in the department that "deals with relations between inter-governmental organisations at the international level and includes the network of multilateral treaties, which are important because they embody the political will of States with regard to the various issues concerning the international common good: this includes development, the environment, the protection of victims of conflicts, the situation of women, and so on," [3] has no managerial input whatsoever.

Therefore, it could be concluded that Dr Di Giovanni, a woman, was finally given the public acknowledgement for what she was already doing without a title.

In contrast, there are priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals that have been doing what they are supposed to do and not  supposed to do for years and years who have not yet be raised to the podium  and recognized as homosexuals  (sexually active and inactive) by the Vatican.

It is about time they come out from the shadows of the Vatican and stand in the limelight and be proud of their individual talents and contributions to the Catholic Church and society in general.

[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.

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