Monday, December 9, 2019

Vatican's Finances Becoming More And More Intriguing

Catholic News Agency  reported as follows, quoted in part [1]:

[Centurion Global Fund is a] fund in which the Vatican’s Secretariat of State has invested tens of millions of euros has links to two Swiss banks investigated or implicated in bribery and money laundering scandals involving more than one billion dollars....

[The fund] used the Vatican assets under its management to invest in Hollywood films, real estate, and utilities, including investments in movies like “Men in Black International” and the Elton John biopic “Rocketman.”

It is difficult to rank which is more embarrassing for the Catholic Church, the fact that the Vatican is entangled in a fund "connected to several institutions linked to allegations of money laundering" [2] or the fact that the fund it invested in, in turn invested in the making of Rocketman, a movie that has "a brief display of two headless men in the missionary position." [3]

Quoting in part from the Catechism of the Catholic Church  without references [4]:

Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

Ironically, the gay sex scene, although not approved by the Vatican, was supported by Vatican funds.

Gay sex cannot be entirely foreign to the Catholic Church since many clerics are gay and some of whom have more likely than not had engaged in homosexual sex repeatedly despite being classified as "acts of grave depravity."

Vatican's connections to money-laundering schemes and illicit sex should be enough material for a best-selling book, to be made into a movie.  If the movie can perform as well as The Da Vinci Code, then the net profit from the movie's revenue ought to offset some the Vatican's the bad investment decisions.  Quoted below are the figures for The Da Vinci Code [5]:

Theatrical Performance
[US] Domestic Box Office      $217,536,138
International Box Office         $550,284,321
Worldwide Box Office             $767,820,459 or  €693,902,590.72 [6]
Home Market Performance
Est. [US] Domestic DVD Sales $100,214,843
Total Est. Domestic Video Sales $100,214,843

[2] Ibid.
[4], at section 2357.
[6] from, based on live market rea

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