Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Christmas Thought

Whether December 25 is the day that the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus is accurate is not important but Jesus' birth is.

Christ reveals himself throughout his earthly life as the Saviour sent by the Father for the salvation of the world. His very name, "Jesus", expresses this mission. It actually means: "God saves".  It is a name he was given as a result of heavenly instruction: both Mary and Joseph (Lk 1:31; Mt 1:21) receive the order to call him by this name. In the message to Joseph the meaning of the name is explained: "for he will save his people from their sins". [1]

The name Jesus meaning "'God saves'" is confirmed by, quoted in part [2]:

... linguistically, the name "Yehoshua—Yeshua—Jesus" conveys the idea that God (YHVH) delivers, saves, rescues — eventually through his servant Messiah, who bears God's name.

Having been born and having led the life He led, "Christ Jesus, [H]imself human,...gave [H]imself as ransom for all." [3]

Self-sacrifice is rare.  Most people much rather hunger for more of what they already have.  They want to satiate their insatiable ambitions and greed.  Many who are lacking in means are not necessarily any better than those with plenty.

The modern man is addicted to technological conveniences.  He is unlikely to let go of them in order to lead a simple and humble life.  Yet, it is humility and simplicity that mark the birth of Christ on Christmas Day.

How often do people who busy themselves constantly with their phones stop to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas -- the birth of a Saviour Who sacrifices Himself on a cross for the salvation of souls?

[3], at 5, quoted without references.

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