Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bergoglio Ought To Say Nothing And Start Praying To Save His Own Soul

The words that Bergoglio used to address the "members of the Jesuit Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat meeting in Rome to mark their 50th Anniversary," in November, 2019, were not mindful of Christ.  This should not be a surprise because Bergoglio is a secular politician and an outstanding one at that, the hypocrite that he is.  During his speech, he said the following, quoted in part [1]:

“Our broken and divided world needs to build bridges”, he said. Human encounters allow us to discover, in the most marginalized, the beautiful face of a brother and sister, in whom we recognize ourselves, said the Pope.


Following Christ today means serving “the crucified of our time”, continued Pope Francis. He gave examples of the wars being fought “piecemeal” around the world, of human trafficking, xenophobia, inequalities, and “the selfish pursuit of national interests”.


Pope Francis insisted we go further: “We need a true ‘cultural revolution’”, he said, “a transformation of our collective gaze, our attitudes, our ways of seeing ourselves”. We need to undertake “the slow work of changing structures, through participation in public dialogue, where decisions are made that affect the lives of the most vulnerable”.

It is doubtful that Bergoglio can recognize himself in face in the "most marginalized" since they have no voice, no people to serve them, no guards and security to protect them, nobody to cook and clean for them and no medical care that is even close to matching the one Bergoglio has.  In short, they have nothing to speak of.  They suffer in silence and in humility.  How dare the pope insult them by saying that in them "we recognize ourselves" to an audience privileged enough to go Rome, stay at hotels, dine at restaurants, dress up and attend this gathering!

Bergoglio then criticized the wars (all of which are contrary to loving of one's enemies taught by Christ) that are being fought piecemeal as if the different factions within the Catholic Church are not in conflict.

He also mentioned xenophobia.  What is the of percentage cardinals who are non-Caucasian and who do not have European backgrounds?  Will he ever answer this question when he speaks about xenophobia?

The hypocrite did not stop there.  He raised the issue of inequality, as if he had taken positive steps to reduce inequalities between those who live a good life as Catholic clerics around the world and those who are just scraping by, those who are homeless and those who are, borrowing his words, "marginalized" and "vulnerable".

When he called out leaders of the world who engage in "'the selfish pursuit of national interests,'" he forgot to point the finger at himself who is the leader of the Vatican City State, a country that also selfishly pursues its own interests ahead of those who are marginalized.

The pope even said that a "cultural revolution" was needed when there are so many demonstrations marked with violence taking place around the globe currently that have left many dead.

Christ changed the world by His unconditional love, by His suffering in silence and by His willingness to die on the cross without engaging in fruitless public dialogue and frivolous political discourse like Bergoglio.  What Bergoglio wants is for people to play political games to "affect the lives of the most vulnerable" by undertaking "'the slow  work of changing structures.'" [2] [Emphasis  added.]

How slow?  It does not matter to Bergoglio and those like him who are well fed, well cared for, self-righteous and healthy so long as they feel good about themselves by doing what they think matters, no matter how slow their progress and whether or not their "public dialogue" will actually alleviate debilitating pain and suffering for those who are without and who cannot afford medical care.

If the suffering faces of the marginalized can be said to resemble the face of the suffering Christ, and if Bergoglio can recognize himself and his audience in their faces, does that mean that Bergoglio sees himself and his audience as the crucified Christ?  It is Satan that wants desperately to be Christ and impersonates Christ in any way it can.

Bergoglio then talked about a transformation of their "collective gaze."  Perhaps their "collective gaze" had already been transformed, so that when they "collectively gaze" at the Crucifix, it is no longer possible for them to bring to their collective mind Christ's intense pain and suffering and to feel even the tiniest bit of it vicariously in their hearts.  Instead their eyes glaze over and reflect a certain apathy, and their genuflection is but a mindless exercise that is performed for show.  Hopefully, there are exceptions in attendance.

The creature that heads the Vatican needs to see in his mind's eye the face of Christ and the face of Satan and decide for himself in which of these two faces he recognizes himself.  If he is blinded by his sins and is not allowed by God to empathize with and share in Christ's sufferings, then he should keep his mouth shut and start praying to save his own soul, assuming that he believes in God and loves God with all his heart, with all his soul and with all his mind, see Matthew 22:36-40 [3].

In conclusion, dialoguing is not a way to improve the lives of and give hope to those who are vulnerable and marginalized.  People need to be earnest and take action that leads to immediate and concrete results, not a "cultural revolution" advocated by the "unholy" father.

[2] Ibid.

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