Friday, November 29, 2019

A Beautiful MIllstone Close To Weighing One And A Half Tons Or 1,360 Kilograms For Bergoglio

Quoted below in part is from an article dated November 29, 2019, published by [1]:

A large marble millstone with carved Jesus' words recorded by Matthew in verse 6 of chapter 18 of his Gospel: "But whoever offends even one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to have him hung around his neck a millstone turned by a donkey, and thrown into the depths of the sea." It is the eloquent and symbolic monument - presented to Pope Francis, during the general audience in St. Peter's Square - by Johannes Heibel, president of the German association "Initiative gegen und Gewalt und sexuellen Missbrauch an Kindern und Jugenlichen" which, for twenty-six years, has as its objective the promotion of the rights of children and above all the protection against all forms of abuse and violence, even on the part of ecclesiastics.

The millstone - which has a diameter of one meter and 40 centimeters and weighs almost a ton and a half ...

Picture of the millstone [2]:

The article did not mention what comment Bergoglio made when presented with the millstone.  There was also no mention of him blessing the millstone.

There may not be enough millstones of this size or larger to hang around the necks of all those who abuse children and those who are in favor of aborting them before they are even born, regardless of whether they are clerics or not.

The "'little ones'" may not be confined to young children or the unborn, they may also refer to adults who are being neglected and mistreated because every person is a child of God, a "'little one'" belonging to God.

How beautiful it would be to see a replica of it 7 inches (17.78 centimeters) in diameter being hung around the necks of all the religious, in addition to the crucifix.

[1] uella-macina-di-marmo
[2] Ibid.

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