Friday, November 29, 2019

Interview With Croatian Professional Photographer Called By God To Be A Priest

This interview is on You Tube.  Don Elvir Tabaković's father is Muslim and his mother is Catholic. [1]  Quoted below were words spoken by Don Elvir Tabaković:

When Don Elvir Tabaković asked the Lord to reveal to him His will, the reply was not a voice but a thought that came to his mind: "I created you to become a priest." [2]

"Our Lady is so mighty, Satan can't even pronounce Her name." [3]

[1] at approximately 2:23,
[2] Ibid., starts at approximately 19:51,
[3] Ibid., at approximately 29:52,

A Beautiful MIllstone Close To Weighing One And A Half Tons Or 1,360 Kilograms For Bergoglio

Quoted below in part is from an article dated November 29, 2019, published by [1]:

A large marble millstone with carved Jesus' words recorded by Matthew in verse 6 of chapter 18 of his Gospel: "But whoever offends even one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to have him hung around his neck a millstone turned by a donkey, and thrown into the depths of the sea." It is the eloquent and symbolic monument - presented to Pope Francis, during the general audience in St. Peter's Square - by Johannes Heibel, president of the German association "Initiative gegen und Gewalt und sexuellen Missbrauch an Kindern und Jugenlichen" which, for twenty-six years, has as its objective the promotion of the rights of children and above all the protection against all forms of abuse and violence, even on the part of ecclesiastics.

The millstone - which has a diameter of one meter and 40 centimeters and weighs almost a ton and a half ...

Picture of the millstone [2]:

The article did not mention what comment Bergoglio made when presented with the millstone.  There was also no mention of him blessing the millstone.

There may not be enough millstones of this size or larger to hang around the necks of all those who abuse children and those who are in favor of aborting them before they are even born, regardless of whether they are clerics or not.

The "'little ones'" may not be confined to young children or the unborn, they may also refer to adults who are being neglected and mistreated because every person is a child of God, a "'little one'" belonging to God.

How beautiful it would be to see a replica of it 7 inches (17.78 centimeters) in diameter being hung around the necks of all the religious, in addition to the crucifix.

[1] uella-macina-di-marmo
[2] Ibid.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Words From A Movie

A movie released in 2018 named First Reformed  was reviewed by [1].  It is mentioned here only because there were words narrated by the pastor in the movie that resonated.  Those words, which seemed to have little relevance to the movie, are transcribed below [2]:

Some are called for their gregariousness.  Some are called for their suffering.  Others are called for their loneliness.  They are called by God because through the vessel of communication they can reach out and hold beating hearts in their hands.  They are called because of their all-consuming knowledge of the emptiness of all things that can only be filled by the presence of our Savior.

[2] From the movie First Reformed  beginning at approximately 33:04 when viewed online.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Cardinal Becciu Chose A Money-Laundering Swiss Bank To Finance A Real Estate Purchase In London

Catholic News Agency  ["CNA"] reported as follows on November 21, 2019, quoted in part with hyperlink included [1]:

Sources inside the Vatican’s Prefecture for the Economy confirmed to CNA that a substantial part of the $200 million used to finance the Secretariat of State’s purchase of a luxury development [in London] at 60 Sloane Avenue came through credit extended by BSI, a Swiss bank with a long track record of violating money-laundering and fraud safeguards in its dealings with sovereign wealth funds.


The connection to BSI comes to light as the Vatican’s own financial watchdog is struggling to assert its credibility. On Nov. 18, the president of the Financial Information Authority (AIF), René Brüelhart, resigned his post.

"Cardinal Angelo Becciu, who authorized the Vatican’s [London] investment, described the Holy See’s involvement in the real estate development as a matter of ordinary business, denying there was anything suspicious about the transaction." [2]

Therefore, it must also be business as usual for Cardinal Angelo Becciu when he chose to obtain financing from "a Swiss bank with a long track record of violating money-laundering and fraud safeguards" in purchasing 60 Sloan Avenue.

The article first cited also exposed the drama that took place between Cardinal Angelo Becciu and Cardinal George Pell.

Pell continues to serve time in prison after his sexual abuse conviction was "upheld by Court of Appeals in Victoria" [3] but will have a chance to present his case to Australia's High Court in getting his conviction overturned but not "before the justices return from their summer break in early February[, 2020]." [4]

Cardinal George Pell's sexual abuse case is separate and apart from his demand for details on "the loans off-books" that the Vatican was trying to hide. [5]  It would be fascinating to learn that the two unrelated events could somehow be linked.  Is it not strange that Cardinal Pell is in jail based on the testimony of one witness [6] whereas Theodore McCarrick was never brought to trial even though he had a lot more evidence of  of sexual misconduct piled up against him [7]?


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Vatican's Financial Secrecy Thrives Under Francis I Papacy

"Marc Odendall, a Swiss-German retired banker [and board member of the Vatican’s Financial Information Authority], tendered his resignation late Monday after Pope Francis decided not to renew the mandate of Rene Bruelhart, the president of the Vatican’s Financial Information Authority, or AIF. The Vatican says Bruelhart’s successor will be announced next week." [1]

"AIF remains an Egmont member, but is suspended from the secure communications network that is used to share confidential information in the global fight against money laundering and other financial crimes, [Marc Odendall] said." [2]

"[I]nformed Vatican officials indicate[d] that the AIF was caught up in a power struggle with other Vatican agencies, notably the Secretariat of State, which sought to curb the AIF’s access to details of certain financial transfers." [3]

"'We cannot access information and we cannot share information,'" [Marc Odendall] said.  "'There is no point in staying on the board of an empty shell.'" [4]

One wonders if this secrecy has something to do with the possibility of a default by the Vatican.  Repeating a quote and an advice from a previous post dated October 22 [5]:

"There is no threat of collapse or default here. There is only the need for a spending review. And that is what we're doing. I can prove it to you with numbers,” [Bishop Nunzio] Galantino said on Oct. 22.
It is advisable that people not hold their breath waiting for Bishop Nunzio Galantino to show proof.

A lie was told here [6]:

The [AIF] departing president [René Brüelhart had] told reporters that he resigned. Vatican officials offer[ed] a different story, saying that the president’s term had expired. But there was no set term for his office.

Who lied?  René Brüelhart or the Vatican officials?  If René Brüelhart's term had an expiration date, then why is it necessary to wait before a successor is announced?

[1], quoted without hyperlink.

Is The End Starting Sooner Than Expected Or Can It Be Delayed?

Quoted below is from an article entitled Algae blooms are making drinking water from Lake Erie toxic [1]:

“As a mom, it makes me want to cry,” Jankowski said, her voice quavering with emotion. “Every mother should enjoy the first time they hold their child. They shouldn’t be stressing about whether there are toxins in the water.”

"Microcystis aeruginosa is the most prevalent cyanobacteria found in Lake Erie." [2]  This was back in 2014 in Ohio, United States.  Fast forward to 2019 [3]:

While every type of cyanobacteria doesn’t create toxins, it’s clear that Lake Erie’s annual bloom is becoming progressively more toxic. Since 2014, federal, state and local agencies have conducted routine water sampling for toxins, with 2019 being among the years when it was most severe.


Since the crisis, the Jankowskis store more than a dozen jugs of water in the basement. They’ve had a $3,000 water filtration system installed for their shower and sinks. And they don’t drink from the tap.


Applying chlorine, a chemical commonly used in water treatment, to water with large amounts of organic matter like algae can result in disinfection byproducts. The long-term health implications from consuming these substances are unclear. Research has linked some to an increased risk of certain cancers and miscarriage.

The new treatment is scheduled to go online August 2020 and should curb the amount of these incidental byproducts.

Returning to 2014 when water in Ohio around Lake Erie was not potable [4]:

The National Guard arrived to distribute one case of water per family, but fights broke out in the parking lot. Social media was filled with people describing futile searches for water.

Imagine when there is an acute shortage of potable water, the riots that are happening in various places around the world these days would be mild in comparison.

The words of Ms. Jankowski quoted above  bring to mind these words of Christ [5]:

For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’

Is that time near, or can it be delayed?

[2] Ibid.
]3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Nice Symbolic Gesture By The Vatican

The Vatican served 1,500 lunches to the poor to mark "its World Day of the Poor." [1]

These were 1,500 poor people in Italy, not the extremely poor in Nigeria.  "As of 2018, it is estimated that the country with the most people living in extreme poverty is Nigeria, at 86 million." [2]

To put it in perspective, 1.500 is 0.00174418604 percent of 86,000,000, and that is only in Nigeria.

"World Data Lab now estimates that on New Year’s Day 2019, just under 600 million people across the world (excluding Syria) will live in extreme poverty. By 2030, this figure is expected to fall to some 436 million." [3]

At 600 million, about 6.97 times more than the 86 million in Nigeria, the percentage of 1,500 out of 600 million is 0.00025.  This percentage would be less when those who are not extremely poor are also counted, like those invited to Bergoglio's World Day of the Poor lunch.

Bergoglio should stop with his histrionics, and be perfect.  Jesus answered, “ be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor..... Then come, follow me.” [4]

An ordinary reply could be: "Jesus, are you kidding me?  Who does that nowadays?  Does the pope?"

Stratifying God's Children

Every person is a unique creation of God and is a child of God.  Yet governments, associations and various other types of organizations, including the Catholic Church find it necessary to stratify people into distinct groups.  Many people also find it necessary to distinguish among themselves.  Each person in this world can be pigeonholed in a variety of ways based on numerous classifications such as religion, citizenship, race, age, ethnicity, education, politics, looks, fame, influence, wealth or lack thereof and so on.

People who lack wealth and who live on the margins of society are celebrated by the Catholic Church and by many Catholics who live far above the poverty line.  One wonders if nobody is poor, who (or what) will the Catholic Church focus on and glorify, God, or maybe Mother Earth and the environment?

On 15 November 2019, Vatican News  reported as follows, quoted in part [1]:

Marking the 3rd World Day of the Poor on 17 November 2019, the Fratello  association has invited believers to spend four days in Lourdes with socially excluded people.

In a video-message to those gathered in Lourdes for the event, the Pope reminds those who suffer want and are abandoned to always bear in mind that God loves them and hears their prayers.

The Church has celebrated the World Day of the Poor on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time since 2017.  Pope Francis established the commemoration in his Apostolic Letter, Misericordia et Misera, to celebrate the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.  The theme for the 2019 World Day of the Poor is “The Hope of the poor shall not perish for ever."

 “You who are little, who are poor, fragile, you are the Church’s treasure. You are in the Pope’s  heart, in Mary’s heart, in God’s heart”, the Pope says in the video message sent on Friday.

The Fratello  association, in collaboration with dioceses and associations from all over the world, aims to serve at the very heart of the Church, meeting the poor and giving them their rightful place in the Church.

In his message, Pope Francis goes on to encourages the pilgrims in Lourdes to care for those who are sick.

He points out that there is “no one so poor to have nothing to give”. He notes that love saves the world and that God wants us to be the vessels through which love flows.

It is repulsive to read that an association had invited certain members to Lourdes to spend four days with "socially excluded" people.  First of all, nobody ought to be categorized.  To be labeled as "socially excluded" is especially egregious.  People are people.  People become "socially excluded" precisely because they are being pigeonholed in one or more of the categories exemplified above and thus can easily be ignored as a whole as opposed to identifying and ignoring each person individually.

In India, "[t]he caste system divides Hindus into four main categories - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. Many believe that the groups originated from Brahma, the Hindu God of creation....The main castes were further divided into about 3,000 castes and 25,000 sub-castes, each based on their specific occupation.  Outside of this Hindu caste system were the achhoots - the Dalits or the untouchables." [2]  These "socially excluded" people described in the article cited appeared to be in the same category as the "untouchables."

Does spending four days with the "socially excluded" forever lift the attendees' souls up toward Heaven?  Or is the reality more like: "out of sight, out of mind"? [3]  It is doubtful that these "socially excluded" people hang around Lourdes year round visibly with their tents set up everywhere along the streets.  If they were not local to Lourdes, were they shipped in for the occasion just to allow the privileged to have a four-day experience with them?  If they were local people, were they living in the shadow of Lourdes (not unlike Bernadette Soubirous' family whose misfortune led them to "to live in a single room that used to be a prison cell[, one that] was so dank that it was actually deemed to be too 'unsanitary' even for prisoners" [4]), and were they rounded up to make it convenient for the members of the association to experience them and for the pope to address them via his video message?

It sure is easy for Bergoglio to say that God loves those and hears the prayers of those "who suffer want and are abandoned."  Has he ever suffered want and was he ever abandoned?  How difficult is it for those who are in such predicaments who have never felt the presence of God to believe that God hears their prayers as they continue to be abandoned and continue to suffer?  Perhaps God would more clearly hear and then answer  the prayers of the one who sits on the throne of Peter unless he does not really pray or believe in God.

The theme for Bergoglio's "World Day of the Poor" for 2019 is "'The Hope of the poor shall not perish for ever.'"  Is that what the poor want, to live from generation to generation based on a hope that is never fulfilled, that lasts through time?

It is also repugnant for Bergoglio to describe the "socially excluded" as "little", "poor" and "fragile" and as the Church's treasure.  They are indeed the Church's treasure because without them the Church will have no basis to ask for donations, and on which to receive government funding that it uses to support itself and the hypocrites that rule the corrupt and sinful institution.  The supercilious Bergoglio needs to understand that the "socially excluded" who live on the margins of society are not the little, poor and fragile ones.  On the contrary, they have the fortitude, strength and richness of character to bear the sufferings that those who are used to being pampered by life's comfort lack, and that includes the head of the Vatican and the hypocrites who serve under him.

It sounds nice to hear that the association aims to serve "the very heart of the Church" which could very well be the Church together with its related associations themselves, but not the elimination of poverty since poverty attracts donations and government funds that the Catholic Church and its related entities use to benefit themselves first in order for them to continue as on-going concerns [5].

Toward the end, Bergoglio noted that God wanted people "to be the vessels through which love flows."  Beautiful words that perhaps one day Bergoglio can actually demonstrate how they work.

Last but not least, Bergoglio addressed himself in the third person in his video message.  He first said that those little, poor and fragile ones were "'in the Pope’s heart, in Mary’s heart, in God’s heart.'"  Is using the possessive adjective "my" too close for comfort?  Then he ended his speech with these words: "'The Pope loves you and trusts you.'" [6]  Is the personal pronoun "I" too personal, or is it because Bergoglio cannot love, even though his title as pope supposedly can?

It is also interesting to observe that Bergoglio listed himself first in these quoted words "'You who are little, who are poor, fragile, you are the Church’s treasure. You are in the Pope’s  heart, in Mary’s heart, in God’s heart'" with the Blessed Virgin Mary coming in second and God coming in last.  Is this not what Satan wants, to be above the Blessed Virgin Mary and to tower over God?


Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bergoglio Ought To Say Nothing And Start Praying To Save His Own Soul

The words that Bergoglio used to address the "members of the Jesuit Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat meeting in Rome to mark their 50th Anniversary," in November, 2019, were not mindful of Christ.  This should not be a surprise because Bergoglio is a secular politician and an outstanding one at that, the hypocrite that he is.  During his speech, he said the following, quoted in part [1]:

“Our broken and divided world needs to build bridges”, he said. Human encounters allow us to discover, in the most marginalized, the beautiful face of a brother and sister, in whom we recognize ourselves, said the Pope.


Following Christ today means serving “the crucified of our time”, continued Pope Francis. He gave examples of the wars being fought “piecemeal” around the world, of human trafficking, xenophobia, inequalities, and “the selfish pursuit of national interests”.


Pope Francis insisted we go further: “We need a true ‘cultural revolution’”, he said, “a transformation of our collective gaze, our attitudes, our ways of seeing ourselves”. We need to undertake “the slow work of changing structures, through participation in public dialogue, where decisions are made that affect the lives of the most vulnerable”.

It is doubtful that Bergoglio can recognize himself in face in the "most marginalized" since they have no voice, no people to serve them, no guards and security to protect them, nobody to cook and clean for them and no medical care that is even close to matching the one Bergoglio has.  In short, they have nothing to speak of.  They suffer in silence and in humility.  How dare the pope insult them by saying that in them "we recognize ourselves" to an audience privileged enough to go Rome, stay at hotels, dine at restaurants, dress up and attend this gathering!

Bergoglio then criticized the wars (all of which are contrary to loving of one's enemies taught by Christ) that are being fought piecemeal as if the different factions within the Catholic Church are not in conflict.

He also mentioned xenophobia.  What is the of percentage cardinals who are non-Caucasian and who do not have European backgrounds?  Will he ever answer this question when he speaks about xenophobia?

The hypocrite did not stop there.  He raised the issue of inequality, as if he had taken positive steps to reduce inequalities between those who live a good life as Catholic clerics around the world and those who are just scraping by, those who are homeless and those who are, borrowing his words, "marginalized" and "vulnerable".

When he called out leaders of the world who engage in "'the selfish pursuit of national interests,'" he forgot to point the finger at himself who is the leader of the Vatican City State, a country that also selfishly pursues its own interests ahead of those who are marginalized.

The pope even said that a "cultural revolution" was needed when there are so many demonstrations marked with violence taking place around the globe currently that have left many dead.

Christ changed the world by His unconditional love, by His suffering in silence and by His willingness to die on the cross without engaging in fruitless public dialogue and frivolous political discourse like Bergoglio.  What Bergoglio wants is for people to play political games to "affect the lives of the most vulnerable" by undertaking "'the slow  work of changing structures.'" [2] [Emphasis  added.]

How slow?  It does not matter to Bergoglio and those like him who are well fed, well cared for, self-righteous and healthy so long as they feel good about themselves by doing what they think matters, no matter how slow their progress and whether or not their "public dialogue" will actually alleviate debilitating pain and suffering for those who are without and who cannot afford medical care.

If the suffering faces of the marginalized can be said to resemble the face of the suffering Christ, and if Bergoglio can recognize himself and his audience in their faces, does that mean that Bergoglio sees himself and his audience as the crucified Christ?  It is Satan that wants desperately to be Christ and impersonates Christ in any way it can.

Bergoglio then talked about a transformation of their "collective gaze."  Perhaps their "collective gaze" had already been transformed, so that when they "collectively gaze" at the Crucifix, it is no longer possible for them to bring to their collective mind Christ's intense pain and suffering and to feel even the tiniest bit of it vicariously in their hearts.  Instead their eyes glaze over and reflect a certain apathy, and their genuflection is but a mindless exercise that is performed for show.  Hopefully, there are exceptions in attendance.

The creature that heads the Vatican needs to see in his mind's eye the face of Christ and the face of Satan and decide for himself in which of these two faces he recognizes himself.  If he is blinded by his sins and is not allowed by God to empathize with and share in Christ's sufferings, then he should keep his mouth shut and start praying to save his own soul, assuming that he believes in God and loves God with all his heart, with all his soul and with all his mind, see Matthew 22:36-40 [3].

In conclusion, dialoguing is not a way to improve the lives of and give hope to those who are vulnerable and marginalized.  People need to be earnest and take action that leads to immediate and concrete results, not a "cultural revolution" advocated by the "unholy" father.

[2] Ibid.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Catholic Education Is Now Without Christ

On 4 November 2019, the head of the Catholic Church addressed the participants attending "the Conference of the International Federation of Catholic Universities." [1]  Quoting from the address in part [2]:

Educating, in general but in particular in universities, is not only a matter of filling the mind with concepts. The three languages are needed. It is necessary for the three languages to be brought into play: the language of the mind, the language of the heart and the language of the hands, so that one thinks in harmony with what one feels and does; one feels in harmony with what one thinks and does; and one acts in harmony with what one feels and thinks. A general harmony, not separated from the whole.


The International Federation of Catholic Universities  is called to take up the moral imperative of striving to achieve a more united international academic community.  On the one hand by basing itself more faithfully on the Christian context from which universities originated; and on the other, by consolidating the network between older and newer universities, in order to develop a universal spirit aimed at increasing the quality of the cultural life of persons and of peoples.

Throughout the entire speech, the head of the Catholic Church eschewed the mentioning of the greatest teacher of all, Jesus Christ.  Instead, he stressed the need for three languages in a Catholic education, language of the mind, of the heart and of the hands, whatever that means.  With regard to language of "the hands," maybe every Catholic university has to include braille and sign language courses as prerequisites for graduation effective immediately.

He then talked about a certain harmony, one based on one's feelings, actions and thoughts, without mentioning whether this harmony ought to be consonant with God or with Satan.  Perhaps to him it did not and does not not matter one way or another since he never bothered to distinguish between the two in his address.

The late Rev. Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican's former chief exorcist, once "confess[ed], 'The devil resides in the Vatican.'" [3]  The article also reported as follows, quoted in part [4]:

While admitting that it is hard to prove, he says the consequences of the devil's work are evident: Cardinals who don't believe in Jesus, bishops who are linked with the devil.

Is the supreme pontiff not also the bishop of Rome?  The answer is quoted below [5]:

Pope Francis has possibly de-emphasized a number of the formal titles normally taken by the leader of the Roman Catholic church, choosing instead to list himself first by the basic title "Bishop of Rome" in the Vatican's annual directory.

These words added together: "devil resides in the Vatican" and "bishops who are linked with the devil" could equal this: the bishop of Rome is linked with the devil.  Is this a possibility, or not?

Even the new book written by the bishop of Rome does not mention Jesus by name.  It is entitled "'Without Him We Can Do Nothing: A Conversation about Being Missionaries in Today’s World' [and] is a discussion between Pope Francis and journalist Gianni Valente of Fides, the news agency of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples." [6]

[2] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.