Wednesday, June 7, 2017

What Does A One-Minute Prayer For Peace Sound Like?

Vatican Radio  reported on June 6, 2017, that "Pope Francis has appealed for prayers and international participation in the 'One Minute for Peace' initiative to be held Thursday, 8 June, at 1:00 PM Rome time." [1]

The remainder of the article, entitled Pope Francis appeals for ‘One Minute for Peace’ initiative  is quoted below [2]:

He said the initiative represents “a short moment of prayer on the recurrence of the meeting in the Vatican between me, the late Israeli President Peres, and the Palestinian President Abbas”.

Their encounter took place in the Vatican Gardens on 8 June 2014, during which the three men prayed together for peace.

The Holy Father said, “In our days, there is a great need to pray – Christians, Jews, and Muslims – for peace.”

His appeal came at the conclusion of his Wednesday General Audience in St. Peter’s Square.

In anticipation of this "short moment of prayer" for peace, one might wonder what it could sound like.  The minute prayer, taken literally, could sound like Chopin's Minute Waltz, also taken literally.  On You Tube is a version of the quick, one-minute waltz:  It was actually completed ahead of time at 0:56.82 +/- seconds. [3]  At the end of the video, an applause can be heard.  This blogger wonders if an applause could be heard all over Heaven as soon as Bergolio completes his one-minute prayer for peace.  Adding an additional tinge of sarcasm, this blogger cannot wait till Bergolio invents the "one-minute rosary" and to see what that would sound like.

[2] Ibid.
[3] There is another version clocked at 60.39 +/- seconds:

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