Sunday, June 25, 2017

Christ Is Missing From The Papal Cross!

"Pope Francis celebrates Mass on the feast of Corpus Christi June 18 outside Rome's Basilica of St. John Lateran. (Credit: Tony Gentile/Reuters via CNS.)"

This blogger knows, to a degree, how to appreciate modern architecture and art, including modern sculptures, but he does not appreciate a crucifix that does not have the body of Christ on it, nor does he know how to appreciate Christ's body being transformed into something unrecognizable, and that was exactly what the head of the Catholic Church was carrying, a cross with plates of shiny metal, polished stainless steel perhaps?  The photograph above was attached to an article in the Crux  on June 25, 2017. [1]  The article has nothing to do with the missing body of Christ but has everything to do with "the Vatican’s first-ever Auditor General" [2] that is now missing from the position because he supposedly "resigned" when he probably had not even had the chance to delve deep into the assignment for which he was hired to perform.  The reason ought to be self-evident: the corruption within the Vatican cannot be removed by an audit of its financial statements; it can only transform from a state of ugliness to a state of shamefulness at the end of the papacy.

Perhaps the missing body of Christ from the Vicar of Christ's cross is a precursor to the end of an era of Catholicism's Christianity, a church without the Body of Christ and fittingly, also a church without a pope, a prediction by Saint Malachy [3], to be believed or not.

[2] Ibid.

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