Sunday, September 20, 2015

Just The Facts, Please

What would the Gospels be like if those who had recorded the words of Christ and the circumstances that gave rise to them had also included in the Gospels their reactions to and opinions on what the Lord said and had asked pundits to do the same?  They would read like a transcript of a cable television news broadcast.

Reactions and opinions are not truths.  Only facts represent truths.  One would hope that the writers of the Gospels were recording only facts, including the words that were spoken by the Son of God.  If that is true, then the Gospels would not only be the truth, with a small "t", representing human truths, but also the Truth, with a capital "T", which can only come from the Trinitarian God, Whose Truth contains facts, worldly and other-worldly. 

Far from the truths are opinions.  Who really cares about what newscasters and his and her guests think about what someone said?  Report on what was said and the circumstances giving rise to those words, then end there and let the audience draw their own conclusions.  But no, the newscasters will not stop at the facts--they find it not only necessary, but absolutely critical also to interject their reactions and opinions into their reports.  Many think that they are smart, articulate, righteous and right and that if they had remained silent, what they believed to be wrong would go unpunished when it is the self-righteous and opinionated newscasters who would probably suffer for being hypocritical, for if any one had dared to judge and contradict them, they could not stand it, and not only would they be furious, some even become vindictive.  These creatures believe they are at the center of power, being in the media, when in reality they are merely bullies sitting on bully pulpits carrying bull horns, doing a disservice to their honorable profession as journalists.

Many of these modern day "so-called" journalists may even consider themselves to be Christians.  One can thank God that they did not exist at the time of Christ to indulge in their sensational journalism which has nothing to do with truths and which would most certainly distort the Truth coming from the Son of God.

One must then ask to whom do these disreputable talking heads owe their allegiance?  Certainly not to God, for God gives the world Truth but they distort even the worldly truths.  If God is not directing them, then what is?  What would want to continuously entertain divisiveness, indulging in the "us versus them" mentality?

Perhaps a more preliminary question ought to be asked: what would the success of divisiveness accomplish?  The answer is the disunity of humanity.  When the fabric humanity is torn asunder, life will be full of strife and will ultimately cease to exist due to conflicts.

In this blogger's opinion, only Satan wishes to terminate man's existence, to bring shame to God, to prove that man is a creature so undeserving, so contemptible, so envious, so prideful that man would do everything to destroy each other, only to prove that he is right and righteous, without even a hint of humility, and it is the total absence of humility that many of today's "so-called" journalists possess.  In their pride, they serve the Antichrist, unknowingly, thinking all the while they are doing a service to humanity, by infusing their self-righteous judgment into the facts, distorting them, in much the same way Satan distorts the Truth of God with its masterful acts of deceit.

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