Saturday, September 26, 2015

Floating Seahorse Homes And The Refugees

Why God created seahorses [1] is anyone's guess.  These beautiful marine creatures are fish [2], but not the Floating Seahorses [3] that will appear in Dubai, each costing US$1,800,000 [4].  If there are not enough places on land in Europe to house all the refugees, this pope can auction off all the paintings [5] in the Vatican museum and use the proceeds to develop new Floating Seahorse apartments along the coast of the 2,300 mile (3,701 km) [6] Mediterranean Sea to house both refugees and migrants from around the world, as a start.  This way, this pope can be called a "fisher of men". [7]  Then, sadly, he would have to contend with critics like this blogger labeling him a hypocrite because such structures would likely not be environmentally-friendly.

[5] This pope will have to decide if human dignity and the human rights he advocates so passionately for are worth more than all the paintings at the Vatican combined.

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